Call Number (LC) Title Results
HRG-1988-OPH-0004 Performance of federal OSHA in California hearing before a subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives, One Hundredth Congress, second session, June 20, 1988. 1
HRG-1988-OPH-0005 State of the unemployment insurance program hearing before a subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives, One Hundredth Congress, second session, July 7, 1988. 1
HRG-1988-OPH-0006 Inspector General Act Amendments of 1988 hearing before a subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives, One Hundredth Congress, second session, on H.R. 4054 ... and H.R. 4139 ... May 17, 1988. 1
HRG-1988-OPH-0007 DOD's financial management of foreign military sales hearing before a subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives, One Hundredth Congress, first session, June 4, 1987. 1
HRG-1988-OPH-0008 Eastern Air Lines' plans to subcontract flight operations to Orion Air hearing before a subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives, One Hundredth Congress, second session, February 16, 1988. 1
HRG-1988-OPH-0009 National Historical Publications and Records Commission reauthorization hearing before a subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives, One Hundredth Congress, second session, on H.R. 3933 ... February 17, 1988. 1
HRG-1988-OPH-0010 All-terrain vehicle settlement hearing before a subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives, One Hundredth Congress, second session, January 28, 1988. 1
HRG-1988-OPH-0011 A "cafeteria" flexible benefit plan for federal workers? hearing before a subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives, One Hundredth Congress, second session, March 1, 1988. 1
HRG-1988-OPH-0012 Why was haying denied on set-aside land? hearing before a subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives, One Hundredth Congress, second session, January 27, 1988. 1
HRG-1988-OPH-0013 EEOC delays in processing age discrimination charges hearing before a subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives, One Hundredth Congress, second session, March 29, 1988. 1
HRG-1988-OPH-0014 DOD contractors' health insurance reimbursement hearing before a subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives, One Hundredth Congress, second session, March 16, 1988. 1
HRG-1988-OPH-0015 Management of the Strategic Defense Initiative hearing before a subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives, One Hundredth Congress, second session, March 29, 1988. 1
HRG-1988-OPH-0016 Criminal penalties for OSHA violations hearing before a subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives, One Hundredth Congress, second session, February 4, 1988. 1
HRG-1988-OPH-0017 Who is on trial? conflicts between the federal and state judicial systems in criminal cases : hearing before a subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives, One Hundredth Congress, second session, February 26, 1988. 1
HRG-1988-OPH-0018 HUD programs to combat drug abuse in public housing hearing before a subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives, One Hundredth Congress, second session, March 21, 1988. 1
HRG-1988-OPH-0019 National narcotics law enforcement strategy hearing before a subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives, One Hundredth Congress, second session, March 31, 1988. 1
HRG-1988-OPH-0020 Federal government payments to reinsurers under FEGLIA the 1
HRG-1988-OPH-0021 Land owned by Shriners' Hospitals for Crippled Children in Salt Lake County, Utah--release of federal government's reverter right hearing before a subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives, One Hundredth Congress, second session on S. 892 ... June 1, 1988. 1
HRG-1988-OPH-0022 Light rail transit for the Salt Lake Valley a panacea? at what price? : hearing before a subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives, One Hundredth Congress, second session, February 22, 1988. 1
HRG-1988-OPH-0023 Operation of the Federal Communications Commission public reference rooms hearing before a subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives, One Hundredth Congress, second session, March 17, 1988. 1