Call Number (LC) Title Results
HRG-2007-SJS-0056 Oversight of the federal death penalty hearing before the Subcommittee on the Constitution of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, One Hundred Tenth Congress, first session, June 27, 2007. 1
HRG-2007-SJS-0057 The 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act of 1957 and its continuing importance hearing before the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, One Hundred Tenth Congress, first session, September 5, 2007. 1
HRG-2007-SJS-0058 (pt.2) Confirmation hearings on federal appointments hearing before the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, One Hundred Tenth Congress, first session. 1
HRG-2007-SJS-0059 The "material support" bar denying refuge to the persecuted? : hearing before the Subcommittee on Human Rights and the Law of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, One Hundred Tenth Congress, first session, September 19, 2007. 1
HRG-2007-SJS-0060 Civil Rights Division oversight hearing before the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, One Hundred Tenth Congress, first session, June 21, 2007. 1
HRG-2007-SJS-0061 Examining U.S. government enforcement of intellectual property rights hearing before the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, One Hundred Tenth Congress, first session, November 7, 2007. 1
HRG-2007-SJS-0062 Keeping families in their homes how to prevent foreclosures : hearings before the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, One Hundred Tenth Congress, second session, October 17 and October 24, 2008. 1
HRG-2007-SJS-0063 Credit cards and bankruptcy opportunities for reform : hearing before the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, One Hundred Tenth Congress, second session, December 4, 2008, Providence, Rhode Island. 1
HRG-2007-SJS-0065 Community-based solutions to drug-related crime in rural America hearing before the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, One Hundred Tenth Congress, second session, December 5, 2008, St. Albans, Vermont. 1
HRG-2007-SJS-0066 Reauthorization of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act protecting our children and our communities : hearing before the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, One Hundred Tenth Congress, first session, December 5, 2007. 1
HRG-2007-SJS-0067 Oversight of the Federal Bureau of Investigation hearing before the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, One Hundred Tenth Congress, first session, March 27, 2007. 1
HRG-2007-SJS-0068 FISA amendments how to protect Americans' security and privacy and preserve the rule of law and government accountability : hearing before the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, One Hundred Tenth Congress, first session, October 31, 2007. 1
HRG-2007-SJS-0069 Department of Justice oversight hearings before the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, One Hundred Tenth Congress, first session, April 19 and July 24, 2007. 1
HRG-2007-SJS-0070 Hearing to examine the prosecution of Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean hearing before the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, One Hundred Tenth Congress, first session, July 17, 2007. 1
HRG-2007-SJS-0071 The legal rights of Guantánamo detainees what are they, should they be changed, and is an end in sight? : hearing before the Subcommittee on Terrorism, Technology and Homeland Security of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, One Hundred Tenth Congress, first session, December 11, 2007. 1
HRG-2007-SJS-0072 Exercising Congress's constitutional power to end a war hearing before the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, One Hundred Tenth Congress, first session, January 30, 2007. 1
HRG-2007-SJS-0073 Strengthening FISA does the Protect America Act protect Americans' civil liberties and enhance security? : hearing before the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, One Hundred Tenth Congress, first session, September 25, 2007. 1
HRG-2007-SJS-0074 Electronic prescribing of controlled substances addressing health care and law enforcement priorities : hearing before the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, One Hundred Tenth Congress, first session, December 4, 2007. 1
HRG-2007-SMB-0001 Full committee hearing on closing the tax gap without creating burdens for small businesses 1
HRG-2007-SMB-0002 Full committee hearing on disaster relief and access to capital legislation 1