Call Number (LC) Title Results
HRG-2013-FOR-0020 U.S. Policy Toward Iran 1
HRG-2013-FOR-0021 Responding to the Humanitarian, Security and Governance Crisis in the Central African Republic 1
HRG-2013-FOR-0022 A Pivotal Moment for the Eastern Partnership Outlook for Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Belarus, Armenia, and Azerbaijan. 1
HRG-2013-FOR-0023 Assessing the Transition in Afghanistan 1
HRG-2013-FOR-0024 Syria 1
HRG-2013-FOR-0025 Labor Issues in Bangladesh 1
HRG-2013-FOR-0028 Nominations of the 113th Congress--First Session 1
HRG-2013-FOR-0029 European Union Economic Relations Crisis and Opportunity. 1
HRG-2013-FOR-0030 Political, Economic, and Security Situation in North Africa 1
HRG-2013-FOR-0031 Security and Governance in Somalia Consolidating Gains, Confronting Challenges, and Charting the Path Forward. 1
HRG-2013-FOR-0032 Reversing Iran's Nuclear Program 1
HRG-2013-FOR-0033 Examining Prospects for Democratic Reform and Economic Recovery in Zimbabwe 1
HRG-2013-FOR-0034 A Dangerous Slide Backwards Russia's Deteriorating Human Rights. 1
HRG-2013-FOR-0035 Crisis in Egypt 1
HRG-2013-FOR-0036 The Transition in Afghanistan 1
HRG-2013-FOR-0037 The Authorization of Use of Force in Syria 1
HRG-2013-HAG-0001 Hearing To Review Horticulture Priorities for the 2013 Farm Bill 1
HRG-2013-HAG-0002 The Future of the CFTC Market Perspectives. 1
HRG-2013-HAG-0003 Hearing To Review the State of the Rural Economy 1
HRG-2013-HAG-0004 Examining Legislative Improvements to Title VII of the Dodd-Frank Act 1