Call Number (LC) Title Results
HRG-2014-HNR-0033 H.R. 5066, "Data Preservation Act of 2014"; and H.R. 5176, To Authorize the Secretary of the Interior To Retire Coal Preference Right Lease Applications for Which the Secretary Has Made an Affirmative Commercial Quantities Determination. 1
HRG-2014-HNR-0034 Is the Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge Being Properly Managed? 1
HRG-2014-HNR-0035 H.R. 3099, "Gulf of Mexico Red Snapper Conservation Act of 2013" 1
HRG-2014-HNR-0036 H.R. 3109, To Amend the Migratory Bird Treaty Act To Exempt Certain Alaskan Native Articles; H.R. 3409, "National Wildlife Refuge Expansion Limitation Act of 2013"; H.R. 5026, "Fish Hatchery Protection Act"; and H.R. 5069, "Federal Duck Stamp Act of 2014" 1
HRG-2014-HOR-0001 Defending Freedoms Project Highlighting the Plight of Prisoners of Conscience Around the World. 1
HRG-2014-HOR-0002 Persecution of Religious and Indigenous Communities in Vietnam 1
HRG-2014-HOR-0003 The Plight of Religious Minorities in India 1
HRG-2014-HOR-0004 World Bank Lending and Human Rights 1
HRG-2014-HOR-0005 Modern Day Slavery and What We Buy 1
HRG-2014-HOR-0006 Ending the Use of Child Soldiers History, Impact and Evolution. 1
HRG-2014-HOR-0007 The Humanitarian and Human Rights Crisis in Iraq 1
HRG-2014-HOR-0008 Aid Delivery in Haiti Development Needs, Capacity Building, and Challenges. 1
HRG-2014-HRC-0001 H.R. 596, "Public Lands Renewable Energy Development Act of 2013"; H.R. 1363, "Exploring for Geothermal Energy on Federal Lands Act"; and H.R. 2004, "Geothermal Production Expansion Act of 2013" 1
HRG-2014-HSC-0001 Examining TSA's Cadre of Criminal Investigators 1
HRG-2014-HSC-0002 A False Narrative Endangers the Homeland 1
HRG-2014-HSC-0003 Future of the Homeland Security Missions of the Coast Guard 1
HRG-2014-HSC-0004 Examining Challenges and Wasted Taxpayer Dollars in Modernizing Border Security IT Systems 1
HRG-2014-HSC-0005 Bioterrorism Assessing the Threat. 1
HRG-2014-HSC-0006 Al-Qaeda's Expansion in Egypt Implications for U.S. Homeland Security. 1
HRG-2014-HSC-0007 The Secretary's Vision for the Future--Challenges and Priorities 1