Call Number (LC) Title Results
HRG-2017-HEL-199627 Examining How Healthy Choices Can Improve Health Outcomes and Reduce Costs. 1
HRG-2017-HEL-199696 The Cost of Prescription Drugs : How the Drug Delivery System Affects What Patients Pay. 1
HRG-2017-HEL-226855 The Cost of Prescription Drugs : An Examination of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Report "Making Medicines Affordable: A National Imperative" 1
HRG-2017-HEL-226857 The Front Lines of the Opioid Crisis : Perspectives from States, Communities, and Providers. 1
HRG-2017-HEL-1910172 Implementation of the 21st Century Cures Act : Achieving the Promise of Health Information Technology. 1
HRG-2017-HEL-1910177 Exploring Free Speech on College Campuses. 1
HRG-2017-HEL-1911230 Gene Editing Technology : Innovation and Impact. 1
HRG-2017-HEL-1911233 Nominations. 1
HRG-2017-HEL-1911234 Encouraging Healthy Communities : Perspective from the Surgeon General. 1
HRG-2017-HEL-1911357 Nomination of Alex Azar To Serve as Secretary of Health and Human Services. 1
HRG-2017-HEL-1911747 Implementation of the 21st Century Cures Act : Progress and the Path Forward for Medical Innovation. 1
HRG-2017-HEL-1913263 Implementation of the 21st Century Cures Act : Responding to Mental Health Needs. 1
HRG-2017-HEW-0001 Federal Wage and Hour Policies in the Twenty-First Century Economy. 1
HRG-2017-HEW-0002 Providing Vulnerable Youth the Hope of a Brighter Future Through Juvenile Justice Reform. 1
HRG-2017-HEW-0003 H.R. 1180, Working Families Flexibility Act of 2017. 1
HRG-2017-HEW-0004 Restoring Balance and Fairness to the National Labor Relations Board. 1
HRG-2017-HEW-0005 Legislative Proposals To Improve Health Care Coverage and Provide Lower Costs for Families. 1
HRG-2017-HEW-0006 Honoring Our Commitment To Recover and Protect Missing and Exploited Children. 1
HRG-2017-HEW-0007 Helping Students Succeed Through the Power of School Choice. 1
HRG-2017-HEW-0008 Challenges and Opportunities in Higher Education. 1