Call Number (LC) Title Results
HS/ 206/ 90E Developing a national shelter strategy : lessons from four countries. 1
HS/ 207/ 90 Preservation and rehabilitation of historic districts, towns and monuments. 1
HS/ 211/ 90E Report of the workshop on land registration and land information systems, Nairobi, Kenya 15 to 18 October 1990. 1
HS/ 214/ 90E Human settlements and sustainable development : the role of human settlements and of human settlement policies in meeting development goals and in addressing the issues of sustainability at global and local levels. 1
HS221 .Q56 1994 Ecorie Abakuá : cuatro ensayos sobre los ñáñigos cubanos / 1
HS240 .H473 The industrial revolution on the Continent : Germany, France, Russia, 1800-1914. 1
HS244 .D53 1998 The tessera of Antilia : utopian brotherhoods & secret societies in the early seventeenth century / 1
HS248.I75 S4 1973 Secret societies in Ireland / 1
HS248.Z6 R53 2008 'The downfall of Hagan' : Sligo Ribbonism in 1842 / 1
HS254 HS254 .C6413 French Connections : Networks Of Influence In France. 1
HS286 .A77 2006 Una historia de las sociedades secretas españolas / 1
HS286 .F4 Las sociedades secretas y los orígenes de la España contemporánea. 1
HS294 .C51913 Popular movements and secret societies in China, 1840-1950 / 1
HS294 .C5213 Secret societies in China in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
Secret societies in China in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries /
HS294 .L5 1941 Bang hui san bai nian ge ming shi / 1
HS294 .P6 Popular movements and secret societies in China, 1840-1950.
Popular movements and secret societies in China, 1840-1950 /
HS295.C5 C5 Qing men kao yuan / 1
HS295.C5 C5 1965 Qing men kao yuan / 1
HS295.H8 W3 1973 The Hung Society, or the Society of Heaven and Earth / 1
HS300.M3 C6 An introduction to Chinese secret societies in Malaya. 1