HT166 .D679 1977b
Action for human settlements / |
1 |
HT166 .D68 2007
Urban meltdown : cities, climate change and politics as usual / |
1 |
HT166.D68 2007
Urban meltdown : cities, climate change and politics as usual / |
1 |
HT166 .D683 2013
Cities : an environmental history / |
1 |
HT166 .D69 2001
Dream city : zur Zukunft der Stadträume = on the future of urban space / |
1 |
HT166 .D69 2020
Downtown dynamics / |
1 |
HT166 .D75 2002
Creating better cities with children and youth a manual for participation / |
1 |
HT166 .D757 2002
Creating better cities with children and youth : a manual for participation / |
1 |
HT166 .D789 2017
Space, place, and territory : a critical review on spatialities / |
2 |
HT166 .D878 2008
Urban networks : network urbanism / |
1 |
HT166 .D96
Dynamic allocation of urban space / |
1 |
HT166 .E26 2020eb
Ecologies design : transforming architecture, landscape, and urbanism / |
1 |
HT166 .E27 1999
The Earthscan reader in sustainable cities / |
1 |
HT166 .E285 2018eb
East West perspectives on 21st century urban development : sustainable Eastern and Western cities in the new millennium / |
1 |
HT166 .E33 1993
Ecology of greenways : design and function of linear conservation areas / |
1 |
HT166 .E44 2016
HT166 .E45 2012eb
Good urbanism : six steps to creating prosperous places / |
2 |
HT166 .E467 2013
Elusive promises : planning in the contemporary world / |
1 |
HT166 .E47 2014
Emergent urbanism : urban planning & design in times of structural and systemic change / |
1 |
HT166 .E47 2014eb
Emergent urbanism : urban planning & design in times of structural and systemic change / |
2 |