Call Number (LC) Title Results
HT166 .K69 1972 Threshold analysis / 1
HT166 .K78 Urban planning analysis: methods and models
Urban planning analysis : methods and models /
HT166 .L3269 2006eb The art of city-making / 1
HT166 .L327 2000 The creative city : a toolkit for urban innovators / 1
HT166 .L327 2008eb The creative city : a toolkit for urban innovators / 1
HT166 .L329 2006 The art of city-making / 1
HT166 .L33 Landscape and urban planning
Landscape and urban planning.
HT166 .L34 Simulation City approach for preparation of urban area data bases / 1
HT166 .L35 2011eb The ideas of Ronald H. Coase : market failure and planning by contract for sustainable development / 2
HT166 .L35 2021 Planning Within Complex Urban Systems / 1
HT166 .L36 2017 Within walking distance : creating livable communities for all /
The civic city in a nomadic world /
HT166 .L36 2020eb The Routledge companion to twentieth and early twenty-first century urban design : a history of shifting manifestoes, paradigms, generic solutions, and specific designs / 1
HT166 .L37 2022 Planning and the multi-local urban experience : the power of lifescapes / 1
HT166 .L38 1997 Better understanding our cities : the role of urban indicators. 1
HT166 .L383 2001 Information systems for urban planning : a hypermedia co-operative approach / 1
HT166 .L383 2001eb  
HT166 .L384 2013 Learning Geospatial Analysis with Python : master GIS and remote sensing analysis using Python with these easy to follow tutorials / 3
HT166 .L3873 2021 Creating built environments : bridging knowledge and practice divides / 1
HT166 .L397 2020 CREATING BUILT ENVIRONMENTS : bridging knowledge and practice divides. 1
HT166 .L4 Economics of land use planning: urban and regional. 1