Call Number (LC) Title Results
HT169.C6 W8 2015 Planning for growth : urban and regional planning in China / 1
HT169.C6 W8 2015eb Planning for growth : urban and regional planning in China / 1
HT169.C6 Y777 2016 Chinese city and regional planning systems / 1
HT169.C6 .Z456 2019eb Urban planning and development in China and other East Asian countries / 1
HT169.C62 Space production by migrants in China's urban villages : the case of Beijing /
The socio-spatial design of community and governance : interdisciplinary urban design in China /
Shanghai gone : domicide and defiance in a Chinese megacity /
Shanghai urbanism at the medium scale /
Urban biodiversity and built environment case study of Shanghai /
Geospatial analysis to support urban planning in Beijing /
Nanjing : historical landscape and its planning from geographical perspective /
A century of change : Beijing's urban structure in the 20th Century /
HT169.C62 B3764 2014 Remaking China's great cities : space and culture in urban housing, renewal, and expansion / 1
HT169.C62 B462 2011eb Beijing record : a physical and political history of planning modern Beijing / 1
HT169.C62 G7865 2020 City integration and tourism development in the Greater Bay Area, China / 1
HT169.C62 G82 2001 Great leap forward / 1
HT169.C62 H6637 2018 Making Hong Kong : a history of its urban development / 1
HT169.C62 H664 2004eb Walking between slums and skyscrapers : illusions of open space in Hong Kong, Tokyo, and Shanghai / 1
HT169.C62 H6655 2020 Land and housing controversies in Hong Kong : perspectives of justice and social values / 1
HT169.C62 K866 2002 The Kunming project : urban development in China ; a dialogue = Kunming he zuo xiang mu : guan yu Zhongguo cheng shi fa zhan de guo ji dui hua / 1
HT169.C62 P454 1995 Beijing : the nature and planning of a Chinese capital city / 1
HT169.C62 S43827 2020 Global Shanghai remade : the rise of Pudong new area / 2
HT169.C62 S55568 2021eb The Shenzhen phenomenon : from fishing village to global knowledge city / 2
HT169.C62 S999 2000 The Chinese city in space and time : the development of urban form in Suzhou / 1
HT169.C62 T354 2005eb Globalizing Taipei : the political economy of spatial development / 1
HT169.C62 Y56 2022 Building a compact city : spatial planning in Yinchuan City, Western China / 1
HT169.C7 De las urbes a los territorios inteligentes. Reflexiones desde la GestioĢn Sostenible del Territorio.
Cartilla basica planimetrica de proyectos urbanis- ticos y arquitectonicos en contextos vulnerables caso ciudadela Sucre, Cazuca, Soacha.