Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
HT384.V52 H634 2010eb | Saigon's edge : on the margins of Ho Chi Minh city / | 1 |
HT384.V52 H634 2011 | ||
HT384.W47 R43 1997 |
The reconstruction of Palestine : issues, options, policies, and strategies / The reconstruction of Palestine : issues, options, policies and strategies / |
2 |
HT384.Z28 D46 2018 | Democratic Republic of Congo urbanization review : productive and inclusive cities for an emerging Democratic Republic of Congo. | 2 |
HT388 |
The Chinese Birdcage How China's Rise Almost Toppled the West / Regional Economic Policy Measurement of its Effect / Alternative Economies and Spaces. Spatial economics. Alternative economies and spaces : new perspectives for a sustainable economy / Urbanizing the regional sector to strengthen economy and business to recover from recession : proceedings of the 5th International Research Conference on Economics and Business (IRCEB 2021), Malang, Indonesia, 10-11 November 2021 / Landmarks for spatial development : equality or differentiation / Economic regulation of urban and regional airports incentives, efficiency and benchmarking / Regional Restructuring Under Advanced Capitalism / Between global and local : marginality and marginal regions in the context of globalization and deregulation / Regional research frontiers. Proceedings of the International Seminar on Border Region (INTSOB 2023) EVOLVING REGIONAL ECONOMIES;RESOURCES, SPECIALIZATION, GLOBALIZATION Regionalizing global crises : the financial crisis and new frontiers in regional governance / Regional Growth and Regional Policy Within the Framework of European Integration Proceedings of a Conference on the Occasion of 25 Years Institute for Regional Research at the University of Kiel 1995 / Transportation, Traffic Safety and Health - Man and Machine Second International Conference, Brussels, Belgium, 1996 / Interaction, Evolution and Chaos in Space Gospodarka międzynarodowa w ujęciu regionalnym : wybrane "case studies" państw z Europy, Ameryk i Azji / Running the numbers : a practical guide to regional economic and social analysis / Handbook of regional science / Modelling Spatial Housing Markets Theory, Analysis and Policy / The Economics of Disappearing Distance / Applied regional growth and innovation models / Theory and history in regional perspective : essays in honor of Yasuhiro Sakai / Neoliberal policies and inequality : evidence from Asian city regions / Principle s of regional science / Spatial economics for building back better the Japanese experience / Seminal Studies in Regional and Urban Economics : Contributions from an Impressive Mind / Modern Macroeconomics with Historical Perspectives Topaz General Planning Technique and its Applications at the Regional, Urban, and Facility Planning Levels / Resilient Territories: Innovation and Creativity for New Modes of Regional Development. Nucleic acid blotting / Regional Research Frontiers. Regional perspectives on policy evaluation / Regional inequality and development : measurement and applications in Indonesia / Road Pricing: Theory, Empirical Assessment and Policy Trade, Networks and Hierarchies Modeling Regional and Interregional Economies / The NEBI Yearbook 2003 North European and Baltic Sea Integration / Dynamic Urban Transportation Network Models Theory and Implications for Intelligent Vehicle-Highway Systems / Ethnic minorities in urban areas a case study of racially changing cummunities / Patterns of a Network Economy Spatial Change and Interregional Flows in the Integrating Europe Essays in Honour of Karin Peschel / Information and Pricing in Road Transportation Neurocomputation in remote sensing data analysis : proceedings of concerted action COMPARES (connectionist methods for pre-processing and analysis of remote sensing data) / Management and Regional Science for Economic Development The geography of networks and R & D collaborations / National Transportation Planning Innovative Behaviour in Space and Time The Full Costs and Benefits of Transportation Contributions to Theory, Method and Measurement / PROXIMITY AND THE CLUSTER ORGANIZATION. Regional economic modeling : a systematic approach to economic forecasting and policy analysis / Human and Energy Factors in Urban Planning: A Systems Approach Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on "Factors Influencing Urban Design" Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, July 2-13, 1979 / Governance of megacities : fractured thinking, fragmented setup / Economic resilience in regions and organisations Gravity Models of Spatial Interaction Behavior Principles of regional science / Handbook of regional and urban economics / Rethinking urban transformations : a new paradigm for inclusive cities / Regional innovation evolution an emerging economy perspective / Energy Economics : Understanding and Interpreting Energy Poverty in China. Regional resilience to climate and environmental shocks a spatial econometric perspective / Remaking regional economies : power, labor, and firm strategies in the knowledge economy / Regional Development in Rural Areas : Analytical Tools and Public Policies / Economics and management of geotourism Handbook of proximity relations / Dynamics and conflict in regional structural change Regional-global : dilemas de la región y de la regionalización en la geografía contemporánea / The changing economic geography of companies and regions in times of risk, uncertainty and crisis / Regional Development in Greece An Economic Perspective on the Southwest: Defining the Decade Proceedings of the 1990 Conference on the Southwest Economy Sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas / Handbook of Transportation Science / Ekonomika regiona |
75 |
HT388 .A26 2020 | Are regions prepared for Industry 4.0? : the Industry 4.0+ indicator system for assessment / | 1 |
HT388 .A38 1989 | Advances in spatial theory and dynamics / | 1 |
HT388 .A72 2006 | Spatial econometrics : statistical foundations and applications to regional convergence / | 1 |
HT388 .A73 2006eb | Spatial econometrics statistical foundations and applications to regional convergence / | 1 |
HT388 .A75 2014eb | Understanding and analyzing competitive dynamics : methods, processes, and applications to a regional setting / | 1 |
HT388 .A77 2006 | Assessment and measurement of regional integration / | 1 |
HT388 .A77 2006eb | Assessment and measurement of regional integration | 1 |
HT388 .B35 2006 | Dynamic trip modelling : from shopping centres to the Internet. / | 1 |
HT388 .B35 2006eb | Dynamic trip modelling from shopping centres to the Internet. / | 1 |
HT388 .B44 1988 | Behavioural modelling in geography and planning / | 1 |
HT388 .B75 2010 | Critical reflections on regional competitiveness : theory, policy and practice / | 1 |
HT388.B75 2010 | Critical Reflections on Regional Competitiveness : Theory, Policy, Practice. | 1 |
HT388 .B75 2010eb | Critical reflections on regional competitiveness : theory, policy and practice / | 1 |
HT388 .C35 2007 | Regional economics / | 1 |
HT388 .C35 2015 | Regional economics / | 1 |