Call Number (LC) Title Results
HT395.E82 E2 1972 Regional development : experiences and prospects in Eastern Europe / 1
HT395.E82 F3 Fact sheet / 1
HT395.E82 F35 2010  
HT395.E82 F35 2010eb Cohesion, Coherence, Cooperation European Spatial Planning Coming of Age? /
Cohesion, Coherence, Cooperation : European Spatial Planning Coming of Age? /
HT395.E82 F62 2007 Framing strategic urban projects : learning from current experiences in European urban regions / 1
HT395.E82 F62 2007eb Framing strategic urban projects : learning from current experiences in European urban regions / 1
HT395.E82 F67 2001 Forum of Cities and Regions of South-East Europe : 8th economic forum ; promoting partnerships with cities and regions of south-east Europe ; summary of debates ; Istanbul (Turkey), 2-3 November 2001. 1
HT395.E82 F67 2002 Forum of Cities and Regions of South-East Europe : 9th economic forum ; promoting partnerships with cities and regions of south-east Europe ; summary of debates ; Novi Sad (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), 18-20 April 2002. 1
HT395.E82 H64 The regional problem / 1
HT395.E82 I54 Inforegio news. 1
HT395.E82.I8 2003 Trans-European networks and islands. 1
HT395.E82 M64 1980 Regional disparity and economic development in the European community / 1
HT395.E82 R387 2012eb Regional development agencies : the next generation? / 1
HT395.E82 R455 1995 Regional development programmes, 1994 / 1
HT395.E82 R47 1995 Research and regional development / 1
HT395.E85 The quality of territorial policies in Europe's periphery : urban regeneration and environmental protection /
Shaping regional futures : designing and visioning in governance rescaling /
Linear planning to reduce regional inequality : a theoretical review and the case of the Way of St. James /
HT395.E85 A78 1999 Article 10 ERDF innovative actions : innovation promotion / 1
HT395.E85 C65 2000 Commission guidelines for regional development programmes, 2000-2006. 1
HT395.E85 E47 2008 Empowering metropolitan regions through new forms of cooperation / 1
HT395.E85 E47 2008eb Empowering metropolitan regions through new forms of cooperation /
Empowering metropolitan regions through new forms of cooperation