Call Number (LC) Title Results
HT609 .L58 2013 Living with class : philosophical reflections on identity and material culture / 1
HT609 .L6 Critique of class as related to social stratification / 1
HT609 .L65 Social stratification : a reader / 1
HT609 .L67 2007 Psychology and economic injustice : personal, professional, and political intersections / 1
HT609 .M123 1990eb Class, ethnicity, and social inequality /
Class, ethnicity, and social inequality
HT609 .M2313 1986 Social mobility and social structure / 1
HT609 .M29 1997 Repositioning class : social inequality in industrial societies / 1
HT609 .M3 1997 Repositioning class : social inequality in industrial societies / 1
HT609 .M32 1997 Repositioning class : social inequality in industrial societies / 1
HT609 .M34 Social inequality, stratification, and mobility. 1
HT609 .M35 Class and society / 1
HT609 .M35 1955a Class and society / 1
HT609 .M43 Gesellschaftsstrukturen / 1
HT609 .M49 1999eb Class
Class /
HT609 .M55 1999 Class / 1
HT609 .M635 2013eb Mobilities, knowledge, and social justice / 1
HT609 .N54 1995 The democratic class struggle in twenty countries, 1945-1990 / 1
HT609 .N936 2014eb Bridging Mobilities : ICTs Appropriation by Cameroonians in South Africa and the Netherlands / 1
HT609 .O56 Social and sexual revolution : essays on Marx and Reich / 1
HT609 .O75 Struktura klasowa w społecznej świadomości. 1