Call Number (LC) Title Results
HV1448.P42.L568 2001eb Between the Sacred and the Worldly : the Institutional and Cultural Practice of 'Recogimiento' in Colonial Lima. 1
HV1448.S2 G65 1991 The hour of the poor, the hour of women : Salvadoran women speak / 2
HV1449 Research Methods with Gay Lesbian Bisexual and Transgender Populations.
Fashionable Queerness Straight Appropriation of Queer Fashion.
Lived experiences of LGBTQ people : what helps and what hurts /
Supporting young transgender men : a guide for professionals /
HV1449 .C675 2011eb Social work with lesbians & gay men / 1
HV1449 .F57 2012eb Social work with lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people : making a difference / 1
HV1449 .F68 1998 Foundations of social work practice with lesbian and gay persons / 1
HV1449 .F68 1998eb Foundations of social work practice with lesbian and gay persons / 1
HV1449 .F68 2017 Social Work Practice with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender People / 1
HV1449 .G39 2011eb Gay men living with chronic illnesses and disabilities : from crisis to crossroads / 1
HV1449 .H36 2009eb Handbook of research with lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender populations 1
HV1449 .H397 2008 Health issues confronting minority men who have sex with men / 1
HV1449 .H42 2007eb The health of sexual minorities public health perspectives on lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender populations / 1
HV1449 .H45 1994 Helping gay and lesbian youth : new policies, new programs, new practice / 1
HV1449 .J68 Journal of gay & lesbian social services. 1
HV1449 .L47 2015eb Lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans health inequalities : international perspectives in social work / 1
HV1449 .L483 1998 Lesbian, gay, and bisexual youths and adults : knowledge for human services practice / 2
HV1449 .L49 1995 Lesbian social services : research issues / 2
HV1449 .L494 1995 Lesbians of color : social and human services / 2
HV1449 .M46 2012eb Men of color : a context for service to homosexually active men / 1
HV1449 .R47 2011eb Research methods with gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender populations 1