Call Number (LC) Title Results
HV2380 .G56 Hearing-handicapped adults / 1
HV2380 .H44 Die Rehabilitation der Gehörlosen / 1
HV2380 .H46 Die Rehabilitation der Schwerhörigen / 1
HV2380 .H64 2016 Hearing impairment and hearing disability towards a paradigm change in hearing services / 1
HV2380 .I87 2015 It's a small world : international deaf spaces and encounters / 3
HV2380 .L26 2003eb Understanding Deaf Culture : In Search of Deafhood.
Understanding deaf culture : in search of deafhood /
HV2380 .L85 1932a Motor abilities of deaf children / 1
HV2380 .M37 Rehabilitation of people with acquired deafness in adulthood / 1
HV2380 .M4 Deafness and child development / 1
HV2380 .M56 Helping the child who cannot hear. 1
HV2380 .O6 The hard of hearing / 1
HV2380 .O88 2011 The Oxford handbook of deaf studies, language, and education. 1
HV2380 .O9 The aural rehabilitation process : a conceptual framework analysis / 1
HV2380 .P47 1977 I have a sister--my sister is deaf / 1
HV2380 .P73 1994 Mother father deaf : living between sound and silence / 1
HV2380 .P77 1993 Psychological Perspectives on Deafness Volume II.
Psychological perspectives on deafness /
HV2380 .R38 1999 I see a voice : deafness, language and the senses--a philosophical history / 1
HV2380 .S33 1993 Orientation to deafness / 2
HV2380 .U53 1994 Understanding deafness and the rehabilitation process / 2
HV2380 .W45 1971a The deaf child / 1