Call Number (LC) Title Results
HV248 .A46 2002eb Placing the social economy 1
HV248 .A53 2006eb Social policy review. 1
HV248 .A53eb vol. 17 Social policy review. 1
HV248 .A56 2004 Introducing social policy / 1
HV248 .B33 2006eb Practising welfare rights 1
HV248 .B47 2023 The future of social care : from problem to rights-based sustainable solution / 2
HV248 .B58 Poverty: its illegal causes and legal cure Part first / 1
HV248 .B97 1990eb Social services made simple / 1
HV248 .C43 Chalmers on charity : a selection of passages and scenes to illustrate the social teaching and practical work of Thomas Chalmers, D.D. / 1
HV248 .C73 Political economists and the English Poor laws : a historical study of the influence of classical economics on the formation of social welfare policy / 1
HV248 .C74 2007eb Creating citizen-consumers changing publics & changing public services /
Creating citizen-consumers : changing publics & changing public services /
HV248 .C86 2021 Welfare and Punishment : From Thatcherism to Austerity / 1
HV248 .C86 2021eb Welfare and punishment : from Thatcherism to austerity / 1
HV248 .D75 Social policy and administration : studies in the development of social services at the local level / 1
HV248 .D89 2000eb Welfare rights and responsibilities : contesting social citizenship / 1
HV248 .E79 2004eb The ethics of welfare : human rights, dependency, and responsibility / 1
HV248 .F43 2008eb Reclaiming social work : challenging neo-liberalism and promoting social justice / 1
HV248 .F47 2008eb Reclaiming social work challenging neo-liberalism and promoting social justice / 1
HV248 .F54 2002 Welfare titans : how Lloyd George and Gordon Brown compare, and other essays on welfare reform / 1
HV248 .F59 2004eb The great divestiture : evaluating the welfare impact of the British privatizations, 1979-1997 / 1