Call Number (LC) Title Results
HV3023.A3 L37 The application of technological developments to physically disabled people / 1
HV3023.A3 M38 2005 Practices in no-show and late cancellation policies for ADA paratransit / 1
HV3023.A3 M55 1993 CripZen : a manual for survival / 1
HV3023.A3 S34 1996 Living in the state of stuck : how technology impacts the lives of persons with disabilities /
Living in the state of stuck : how technologies affect the lives of people with disabilities /
HV3023.A3 S55 1998 Disability, difference, discrimination : perspectives on justice in bioethics and public policy / 1
HV3023.C6 A23 1982 Access Denver : a guidebook for persons with disabilities / 1
HV3023.C6 H35 HandyRide replacement study / 1
HV3023.C6 R43 HandyRide evaluation / 1
HV3024.A8 G64 2005 Disability in Australia : exposing a social apartheid / 1
HV3024.C6 D38 2020 Disability in contemporary China : citizenship, identity and culture / 2
HV3024.E85 C67 1999 COST 335 : passengers' accesibility [sic] of heavy rail systems : final report of the action / 1
HV3024.E85 E835 1990 Evaluation of the use of the international classification of impairments, disabilities and handicaps (ICIDH) in surveys and health related statistics : technical report drawn up by an ad hoc working group for the Committee of Experts on the Application of the WHO Classification of Impairments, Disabilities and Handicaps. 1
HV3024.E85 E87 1999 Telematics for the integration of the disabled and elderly : synopses of projects, January 1999. 1
HV3024.E85 I47 2004 Improving access to public transport. 1
HV3024.E85 T73 1992 Transport for people with mobility handicaps : access to taxis / 1
HV3024.G7E5 I, Alison : reaching for a life of my own / 1
HV3024.G8 The staff of Oedipus : transforming disability in ancient Greece / 1
HV3024.G8 R67 2003 The staff of Oedipus : transforming disability in ancient Greece / 1
HV3024.I4 A48 2016 A Birth That Changed a Nation : a New Model of Care and Inclusion. 1
HV3024.N4 W57 1991 After the rehabilitation centre : a study into the course of functioning after discharge from rehabilitation / 1