Call Number (LC) Title Results
HV343 ebook Las fisuras del bienestar en España /
Los valores en la práctica del trabajo social
Silencio administrativo : la pobreza en el laberinto burocrático /
HV344 .C36 1991 Historia de la beneficencia en Castilla y León : poder y pobreza en la sociedad castellana / 1
HV345.A77 H477 1913 Historia de la beneficencia en Astorga / 1
HV345.S252 F81 1894 Escritura de Fundación del patronato laical instituido por el Excmo. Sr. D. Manuel Ventura Figueroa / 1
HV345.S5 ebook Los establecimientos benéficos más relevantes de Sevilla hasta 1849 1
HV345.V34 F47 1999 La asistencia social en Valladolid : siglos XVI-XVIII / 1
HV347.F86 C37 1974 Para um "dossier" Gulbenkian / 1
HV353.L445 2008 Solidarity without the State? : Business and the Shaping of the Swiss Welfare State, 1890-2000. 2
HV355.G4 I56 1983 Social concern in Calvin's Geneva / 1
HV358 Human rights in this age of uncertainty : social work approaches and practices from Southeast Europe / 1
HV375.7 Social Welfare Issues in Southern Europe.
Contested landscapes of poverty and homelessness in southern Europe : reflections from Athens /
HV376 Social work and sustainability in Asia : facing the challenges of global environmental changes /
Social welfare in Asia /
HV376 .A85 2014 The directory of Asia-Pacific foundations, 2014. 1
HV376 .A85 2020 Asian social work : professional work in national contexts / 1
HV376 .S63 1985a Social welfare in Asia / 1
HV376 .S634 2013 Social welfare in East Asia and the Pacific / 1
HV376.5 .B46 2003 The charitable crescent : politics of aid in the Muslim world / 1
HV376.5 .I58 2008eb Interpreting welfare and relief in the Middle East / 1
HV376.5 .K53 1999 Poverty reduction policies in Jordan and Lebanon : an overview / 1
HV376.5 .R63 2022 Night on Earth : a history of international humanitarianism in the Near East, 1918-1930 / 2