HV338 .C449 1995
Challenges to the Swedish welfare state / |
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HV338 .C45
Jiu zong shi nian / |
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HV338 .D55 2019eb
Digital transformation and public services : societal impacts in Sweden and beyond / |
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HV338 .I83 1994
Alltid mer, aldrig nog : om medborgaren, staten och välfärden / |
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HV338 .K85 2004
The personal and the political : how personal welfare state experiences affect political trust and ideology / |
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HV338 .M44 1991
Work, welfare & social work practice : a study of theoretical and practice relationships with applications from occupational social work / |
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HV338 .R462 1995
Remaking the welfare state : Swedish urban planning and policy-making in the 1990s / |
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HV338 .S33 2016
The rise and fall of the miraculous welfare machine : immigration and social democracy in twentieth-century Sweden / |
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HV338 .S9
Social work practice and social work professions in Sweden / |
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HV338 .T785 2017
Economic Globalization and the Citizens' Welfare State : Sweden, UK, Japan, US. |
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HV342 .F86 1980
La Fundación Juan March (1955-1980) |
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HV342 .J86 2022
Society women and enlightened charity in Spain : the Junta de Damas de Honor y Mérito, 1787-1823 / |
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HV343 .E88 1926
Estadística de la beneficencia particular de España correspondiente a los años 1922 al 1925 inclusive : resúmenes y cuadros complementarios y apéndice legislativo / |
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HV343 .I23
Los benefactores / |
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HV343 .M37 1983
Poverty and welfare in Habsburg Spain : the example of Toledo / |
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HV343 .O75 2010
Los orígenes del estado del bienestar en España, 1900-1945 los seguros de accidentes, vejez, desempleo y enfermedad / |
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HV343 .P4 1975
Amparo de pobres / |
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HV343 .R48 2018eb
Retos y desafíos del trabajo social en el siglo XXI una perspectiva internacional comparada México-España. |
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HV343 .V37 2018
Intellectual philanthropy : the seduction of the masses / |
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HV343 ǂb M378 1983eb
Poverty and Welfare in Habsburg Spain / |
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