Call Number (LC) Title Results
HV4075.R53 Z35 1985 A máquina e a revolta : as organizações populares e o significado da pobreza / 1
HV4076.S3 G6 1994 Las poblaciones callampas : unal expresión de la lucha social de los pobres, Santiago, 1930-1960. 1
HV4081.L56 O58 2009b El olvido = Oblivion / 2
HV4084.A3 A863 1981 Aspects of poverty in early modern Europe / 1
HV4084.A3 P66 1994 Poor women and children in the European past / 1
HV4084.A5 N45 2001 Neighbourhood services in disadvantaged urban areas and in areas of low population : report of the Steering Committee on Local and Regional Democracy (CDLR) / 1
HV4084.A5 N45 2006 Neighbourhoods of poverty : urban social exclusion and integration in Europe /
Neighbourhoods of poverty : urban social exclusion and intergration in Europe /
HV4084 .U84 1990 The Uses of charity : the poor on relief in the nineteenth-century metropolis / 1
HV4085 Underclass : a History of the Excluded, 1880-2000. 1
HV4085.A3 Neighbours, distrust, and the state : what the poorer working class in Britain felt about government and each other, 1860s to 1930s /
Urban poverty in Britain, 1830-1914 /
HV4085.A4 T73 1979 Urban poverty in Britain, 1830-1914 / 1
HV4085.A5 B37 2023 Politics, punitiveness, and problematic populations : public perceptions of 'scroungers', 'unruly' children, and 'good for nothings' / 1
HV4085.A5 L38 Urban deprivation and government initiative / 1
HV4085.A5 P68 2018eb Poverty and social exclusion in the UK. 1
HV4085.A5 R49 1988 The ghetto and the underclass : essays on race and social policy / 1
HV4085 .L48 1697 A letter from a citizen of London to a member of Parliament proposing a method from the employment of the vagrant poor, in the manufacture of sail-cloth 1
HV4085.L6 Slumming : sexual and social politics in Victorian London / 1
HV4085.L6 Y45 2007eb Slums and slum clearance in Victorian London 1
HV4085.85 .C42 1649 [The poore mans advocate, or, Englands samaritan] [powring oyle and wine into the wounds of the nation. By making present provision for the souldier and the poor, by reconciling all parties, by paying all arreares to the Parl. Army, all publique debts, and all the late K. Q. and Princes debts due before this session] 1
HV4086.A3 Providing for the poor the Old poor law, 1750 1834. / 1