Call Number (LC) Title Results
HV4546.A5L6 By the Maior. To all constables that novv are, and for the yeare ensuing shalbe within the citie of London, and the liberties thereof, and to euery of them. 1
HV4546.B3 P76 1585 A proclamation agreed vpon by the iustices of peace of this countie of Bedford at a generall sessions holden at Bedford, the nineteenth day of Aprill, in the xxvii yere of the Queenes most gracious raigne, for the restraint of wandering roges and vacabounds 1
HV4546.E5 E53 1629 By the King a proclamation for the speedy sending away of the Irish beggars out of this kingdome into their owne countrey, and for the suppressing and ordering of the English rogues and vagabonds, according to the lawes. 1
HV4546.E5 E53 1633 By the King, a proclamation for the speedie sending away of the Irish beggars out of this kingdome into their owne countrey, and for suppressing of English rogues and vagabonds, according to our lawes 1
HV4546 .E53 An acte for punishment of rogues, vagabonds and sturdie beggers 1
HV4546 .F8 The beggars' brotherhood / 1
HV4546.L66 F33 1995 The faces of homelessness in London / 1
HV4546.L66 N55 2008 Charing Cross / 1
HV4546.N49 H37 2004 Making it work : the keys to success for young people living independently / 1
HV4546.N49 H37 2004eb Making it work : the keys to success for young people living independently / 1
HV4546.S68 H34 2003 Better times than this : youth homelessness in Britain / 1
HV4546.S68 H34 2003eb Better times than this : youth homelessness in Britain / 2
HV4547.A4 F57 2000 Young homeless people / 1
HV4547.A4 H37 The groundworke of conny-catching, the manner of their pedlers-French, and the meanes to vnderstand the same with the cunning slights of the counterfeit cranke : therein are h[a]nd[l]ed the practises of the visiter, the fetches of the shifter and rufflar, the deceits of their doxes, the deuises of priggers, the names of the base loytering losels, and the meanes of euery blacke-art-mans shifts, with the reproofe of all the diuellish practises /
The groundworke of conny-catching, the manner of their pedlers-French, and the meanes to vnderstand the same, with the cunning slights of the counterfeit cranke. Therein are handled the practises of the visiter, the fetches of the shifter and rufflar, the deceits of their doxes, the deuises of priggers, the names of the base loytering losels, and the meanes of euery blacke-art-mans shifts, with the reproofe of all their diuellish practises. /
HV4547 .P33 Down among the dossers. 1
HV4547 .S24 Cony-catchers and bawdy baskets : an anthology of Elizabethan low life / 1
HV4547 .S36 1693 A proclamation anent beggers 1
HV4547 .S907 1812 The surprising adventures of Bampfylde Moore Carew King of the Beggars, containing his life, a dictionary of the cant language and many entertaining particulars of that extraordinary man. 1
HV4547 .W6 1946 The other half : the autobiography of a tramp / 1
HV4548.A4 Begging, charity and religion in pre-famine Ireland 1