Call Number (LC) Title Results
HV5095.G8 R7 British 'Gothenburg' experiments and public-house trusts / 1
HV5095.G8 R78 Popular control of the public-house / 1
HV5095.S8 K5 Stockholms utskänkningsaktiebolag, dess organisation och tjugofemåriga verksamhet : jämte en historisk-statistisk framställning af brännvinslagstiftningen i Sverige, Norge och Finland, samt göteborgssystemet / 1
HV5095.S8 R6 Recent criticisms on the Gothenburg system : an examination into the trustworthiness and value of articles contributed by Mr. E.W. Johnson to the "New voice" (Chicago) / 1
HV5101 .G4713 2000 The control of fuddle and flash : a sociological history of the regulation of alcohol and opiates / 1
HV5101 .G4713 2000eb The control of fuddle and flash : a sociological history of the regulation of alcohol and opiates / 1
HV5105 .B47 The economic cost of alcohol abuse / 1
HV5105 .S55 1997 Message in a bottle : stories of men and addiction / 1
HV5118.S6 L57 1992eb Liquor and labor in Southern Africa / 1
HV5125 ALCOHOL EDUCATION a handbook for health and welfare professionals. 1
HV5125 .H8 Temperance and education or, The relation of the social drinking customs to the educational interests of the nation./ 1
HV5128.U5 A43 1994 Alcohol use and misuse by young adults / 2
HV5128.U5 H35 1996 Alcohol education : what we must do / 1
HV5128.U5 J68 Journal of alcohol and drug education. 1
HV5128.U5 T68 1987 Student drug and alcohol abuse / 1
HV5128.U5 Z55 1999 Distilling democracy : alcohol education in America's public schools, 1880-1925 / 2
HV5132 Childhood, family, alcohol /
Risk and resilience : adults who were the children of problem drinkers /
The other half : wives of alcoholics and their social-psychological situation /
Kinder aus alkoholbelasteten Familien und deren Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten bis zum Erwachsenenalter : Vergleich bestehender Studien /
Zrozumieć pijące dziecko : poradnik dla rodziców (dorosłych) osób z problemem alkoholowym /
Children of Alcoholism: The Struggle for Self and Intimacy in Adult Life.
HV5132 .A43 1982 Alcohol and the family / 1
HV5132 .A44 1987 The Alcoholic family /
The alcoholic family /