HV5139 .B67 2013eb
The history of gay people in Alcoholics Anonymous : from the beginning / |
1 |
HV5139 .F56 2002
Counseling lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender substance abusers : dual identities / |
3 |
HV5139 .G39 1990
Gay men of Alcoholics Anonymous : first-hand accounts / |
1 |
HV5139 .K66 1989
Accepting ourselves : the twelve-step journey of recovery from addiction for gay men and lesbians / |
2 |
HV5139 .K66 1996
Accepting ourselves & others : a journey into recovery from addictive and compulsive behaviors for gays, lesbians, & bisexuals / |
1 |
HV5139 .W45 1994
Gay men, drinking, and alcoholism / |
3 |
HOMELESSNESS AND DRINKING a study of a street population. |
1 |
HV5140 .P8185 2011
Wohnungslosigkeit und Alkoholabhängigkeit. |
1 |
HV5141 .T44
Gin or genius / |
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HV5142 .B57 1984
Alcoholism in the professions / |
3 |
HV5182 P3
The laws of fermentation and the wines of the ancients |
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HV5182 .S36 1880i
The divine law as to wines established by the testimony of sages, physicians, and legislators against the use of fermented and intoxicating wines ; confirmed by their provision of unfermented wines to be used for medicinal and sacramental purposes / |
1 |
HV5183 .S6
The Biblical reason why prohibition is wrong or what the Bible teaches with regard to the use and abuse of wine and strong drink : given in its own language with brief notes and comments / |
1 |
HV5184 .T4
Communion wine and Bible temperance. |
1 |
HV5185 .D38 2012
Jews and booze : becoming American in the age of prohibition / |
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HV5185 .D38 2012eb
Jews and booze : becoming American in the age of prohibition / |
1 |
HV5186 .B878
England's bane, or, The deadly danger of drunkenness described in a letter to a friend wherein are many convincing arguments against it and many aggravations of it in professors of religion, and many other things tending to a reformation of that beastly sin / |
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HV5186 .C66 2006
Alcohol, addiction and Christian ethics / |
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HV5186 .C66 2006eb
Alcohol, addiction and Christian ethics / |
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HV5186 .M338 1997
Pledged for life / |
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