Call Number (LC) Title Results
HV5142 .B57 1984 Alcoholism in the professions / 3
HV5182 P3 The laws of fermentation and the wines of the ancients 1
HV5182 .S36 1880i The divine law as to wines established by the testimony of sages, physicians, and legislators against the use of fermented and intoxicating wines ; confirmed by their provision of unfermented wines to be used for medicinal and sacramental purposes / 1
HV5183 .S6 The Biblical reason why prohibition is wrong or what the Bible teaches with regard to the use and abuse of wine and strong drink : given in its own language with brief notes and comments / 1
HV5184 .T4 Communion wine and Bible temperance. 1
HV5185 .D38 2012 Jews and booze : becoming American in the age of prohibition / 1
HV5185 .D38 2012eb Jews and booze : becoming American in the age of prohibition / 1
HV5186 .B878 England's bane, or, The deadly danger of drunkenness described in a letter to a friend wherein are many convincing arguments against it and many aggravations of it in professors of religion, and many other things tending to a reformation of that beastly sin / 2
HV5186 .C66 2006 Alcohol, addiction and Christian ethics / 1
HV5186 .C66 2006eb Alcohol, addiction and Christian ethics / 1
HV5186 .M338 1997 Pledged for life / 1
HV5186 .N45 2004 Thirst : God and the alcoholic experience / 1
HV5187 .C57 2007eb Liquor in the land of the lost cause : southern white evangelicals and the prohibition movement / 2
HV5187 .C65 2007 Liquor in the land of the lost cause : southern white evangelicals and the prohibition movement / 1
HV5189.E5 Y6 1656 The blemish of government, the shame of religion, the disgrace of mankinde; or, A charge drawn up against drunkards, and presented to His Highness the Lord Protector, in the name of all the sober partie in the three nations. Humbly craving, that they may be kept alone by themselves from infecting others; compelled to work and earn what they consume : and that none may be suffered to sell drink, who shall either swear, or be drunk themselves, or suffer others within their walls. / 1
HV5189.G7 H3 Gods judgements upon drunkards, swearers, and Sabbath-breakers. In a collection of the most remarkable examples of God's revealed wrath upon these sins : with their aggravations, as well from Scripture, as reason. And a caution to authority, lest the impunity of these evils bring a scourge upon the whole nation. 1
HV5189 (INTERNET) The blemish of government, the shame of religion, the disgrace of mankind, or, A charge drawn up against drunkards and presented to His Highness the Lord Protector, in the name of all the Sober Party in the three nations, humbly craving that they may be kept alone by themselves from infecting others ... / 1
HV5189 .J66 1678 The dreadful character of a drunkard, or, The odious and beastly sin of drunkenness described and condemned shewing the fearful judgements that have befallen notorious drunkards : with brief exhortations to perswade men from that swinish abominable sin. 2
HV5189 .Y68 The blemish of government, the shame of religion, the disgrace of mankind, or, A charge drawn up against drunkards and presented to His Highness the Lord Protector, in the name of all the Sober Party in the three nations, humbly craving that they may be kept alone by themselves from infecting others ... /
The odious, despicable, and dreadfull condition of a drunkard, drawn to the life to deterre others, and cause them to decline the wayes of death, or, A hopefull way to cure drunkennesse (the root of all evill, and rot of all good) in such as are not (by long custome) past cure : composed, and published for their good, who (not for want of ignorance) prinde themselves in drunken good-fellowship : which probably may open their eies, as the tasting of honey did Jonathan, and cause them to say as the governour to the bridegroome, John 2.10, The good wine was kept back untill now /
Offer of help to drowning men
HV5198 .S34 1998 Dealing with alcohol : indigenous usage in Australia, New Zealand and Canada / 1