Call Number (LC) Title Results
HV5298.N5 K36 Inner-city alcoholism : an ecological analysis and cross-cultural study / 2
HV5298.N5 Z48 1975 The Bowery / 1
HV5298.P5 B58 Skid Row and its alternatives; research and recommendations from Philadelphia
Skid Row and its alternatives : research and recommendations from Philadelphia /
HV5298.S43 S5 You owe yourself a drunk : an ethnography of urban nomads / 1
HV5298.W3 U55 1998 District of Columbia : taxes and other strategies to reduce alcohol abuse : report to Congressional committees / 1
HV5306 .J63 1993eb Drink in Canada : historical essays / 1
HV5306 .K5 Temperance and a total war effort / 1
HV5306 .N64 1995 Canada dry : temperance crusades before Confederation / 1
HV5310.V35 Sit Down and Drink Your Beer Regulating Vancouver's Beer Parlours, 1925-1954 1
HV5310.V35 C35 2001 Sit down and drink your beer : regulating Vancouver's beer parlours, 1925-1954 / 1
HV5310.V35 C35 2001eb Sit down and drink your beer : regulating Vancouver's beer parlours, 1925-1954 / 2
HV5310.5 .P96 2002  
HV5310.5 .P96 2002eb Gender dimensions of alcohol consumption and alcohol-related problems in Latin America and the Caribbean / 2
HV5313 .M57 2004eb Intoxicated identities : alcohol's power in Mexican history and culture / 2
HV5313 .P85 2014eb ¡A su salud! sociabilidades, libaciones y prácticas populares en la ciudad de México a principios del siglo XX / 1
HV5313 .R58 1985 Community response to alcohol-related problems : review of an international study / 1
HV5313 ebook Todo con medida : hasta el alcohol / 1
HV5329 .D57 2012 Distilling the influence of alcohol : aguardiente in Guatemalan history / 1
HV5329 .D57 2012eb Distilling the influence of alcohol : aguardiente in Guatemalan history / 2
HV5375.7.Z8 T743 1974 Outside is death : community organization, ideology, and alcoholism among the East Indians of Trinidad / 1