Call Number (LC) Title Results
HV551.5.I64 R43 2006eb Recovery from the Indian Ocean tsunami disaster / 1
HV551.5.J3 Lessons learned from the Great East Japan Earthquake : birth outcomes in a catastrophe in a highly aged society /
Community practices for disaster risk reduction in Japan /
Disaster resilience of education systems : experiences from Japan /
Society 5.0, digital transformation and disasters past, present and future /
HV551.5.J3 C75 2004 Crisis management in Japan & the United States : creating opportunities for cooperation amid dramatic change / 1
HV551.5.J3 F85 2021 Saigai to tatakau daimyōtachi / 1
HV551.5.J3 I6413 2020 The era of great disasters : Japan and its three major earthquakes / 2
HV551.5.K6 Managing the COVID-19 pandemic in South Korea : policy learning perspectives /
Disaster risk management in the Republic of Korea /
HV551.5.M4 Vulnerability, social capital and disaster preparedness : experiences of the Orang Asli families in Malaysia / 1
HV551.5.M6 Disaster risk reduction in Mexico : methodologies, case studies, and prospective views / 1
HV551.5.M6 D57 2020 Disasters and neoliberalism : different expressions of social vulnerability / 1
HV551.5.M6 M36 1999  
HV551.5.M7 P67 1999 Living with the unexpected : linking disaster recovery to sustainable development in Montserrat / 1
HV551.5.N45 A decade of disaster experiences in Ōtautahi Christchurch critical disaster studies perspectives / 1
HV551.5.P16 Disaster risk reduction in Asia Pacific governance, education and capacity / 1
HV551.5.P16 H66 2021 Resilience in the Pacific and the Caribbean : the local construction of disaster risk reduction / 1
HV551.5.P16 S76 2013 Strong, safe, and resilient : a strategic policy guide for disaster risk management in East Asia and the Pacific / 1
HV551.5.P18 Disaster risk reduction approaches in Pakistan / 1
HV551.5.P6 Engaging isolated communities in disaster preparation and communication in the Philippines / 1
HV551.5.P7 M394 1986 Der Sexologe Max Marcuse (1877-1963) : seine Beiträge zur Sexualwissenschaft / 1
HV551.5.R8 P67 1998 Disaster policy and emergency management in Russia / 1
HV551.5.R95 Hydrogeological hazard susceptibility and community risk perception in Rwanda : a case study of floods and landslides / 1