Call Number (LC) Title Results
HV551.5.S58 C53 1992i Famine in Somalia and the international response collective failure / 1
HV551.5.S58 C532 1992i Frustration and failure international response to the Somali crisis / 1
HV551.5.S58 C533 1992i A journey to hell 1
HV551.5.S6 The Institutionalisation of Disaster Risk Reduction: South Africa and Neoliberal Governmentality. 2
HV551.5.S64 A36 2020 Disaster resilience in South Asia : tackling the odds in the sub-continental fringes / 1
HV551.5.S64 D57 2022 Disaster management in the complex Himalayan terrains : natural hazard management, methodologies and policy implications / 1
HV551.5.S64 R47 2020 Resistance, resilience, and recovery from disasters : perspectives from Southeast Asia / 2
HV551.5.S64 .S889 2012 Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction. 1
HV551.5.S644 Post-disaster governance in Southeast Asia response, recovery, and resilient societies / 1
HV551.5.S68 Women and disasters in South Asia : survival, security and development /
The government of disasters : state formation and disaster management in South Africa /
HV551.5.S7 ebook Emergencias : aplicaciones básicas para la elaboración de un manual de autoprotección /
Ejercicios y prácticas resueltas de emergencias
HV551.5.S83 P74 1997 Crisis response : humanitarian band-aids in Sudan and Somalia / 1
HV551.5.T9 The interplay between urban development, vulnerability, and risk management a case study of the Istanbul metropolitan area / 1
HV551.5.T9 I55 1995  
HV551.5.V5 W66 2011  
HV551.5.V5 W66 2012eb A workbook on planning for urban resilience in the face of disasters : adapting experiences from Vietnam's cities to other cities / 1
HV551.56.I4 Disaster risk governance in India and cross cutting issues / 1
HV553 Natural and Anthropogenic Disasters Vulnerability, Preparedness and Mitigation /
Climate disaster preparedness : reimagining extreme events through art and technology /
Crisis management beyond the humanitarian-development nexus /
Humanitarian Reason : a Moral History of the Present.
Encyclopaedia of Disaster Management.
Humanitarian futures : challenges and opportunities /
Disaster Management.
The humanitarian machine : reflections from practice /
Incident management in Australasia : lessons learnt from emergency responses /
Community engagement in post-disaster recovery /
Necessary risks : professional humanitarianism and violence against aid workers /
Implementation guidance for emergency response dosimetry.
Organizing disaster : the construction of humanitarianism /
Symbolische Formen : Grundlagen und Elemente Einer Soziologie der Katastrophe.
Aufbruch ins Unversicherbare.
Cultures and Disasters : Understanding cultural framings in disaster risk reduction.
Depoliticising humanitarian action : paradigms, dilemmas, resistance /
Resilience by design /
The humanitarian parent : balancing work and family in the aid sector /
Becoming an international humanitarian aid worker
Rebuilding sustainable communities for children and their families after disasters : a global survey /
Reducing Disaster Risk by Managing Urban Land Use : Guidance Notes for Planners.
Mapping Vulnerability /
Resilience imperative : uncertainty, risks and disasters /
The impacts of natural disasters : a framework for loss estimation /
The Palgrave handbook of humanitarian logistics and supply chain management
Big crisis data : social media in disasters and time-critical situations /
World in crisis : the politics of survival at the end of the twentieth century /
The Sociology of Disaster : Fictional Explorations of Human Experiences.
Rising from the ashes : development strategies in times of disaster /
Portraiture method to study individual disasters /
Disasters and mass casualty incidents : the nuts and bolts of preparedness and response to protracted and sudden onset emergencies /
Humanitarian logistics and sustainability /
Humanitarian logistics : meeting the challenge of preparing for and responding to disasters and complex emergencies /
Disaster management : enabling resilience /
Disaster relief aid : changes and challenges /
We are all survivors : verbal, ritual, and material ways of narrating disaster and recovery /
Managing humanitarian logistics /
Optimizing community infrastructure : resilience in the face of shocks and stresses /
Social vulnerability to disasters /
Policy shock : recalibrating risk and regulation after oil spills, nuclear accidents and financial crises /
Defining disaster : disciplines and domains /
An interdisciplinary approach for disaster resilience and sustainability /
Disaster response practices : guide to mass casualty/mass fatality management planning /
Long-Term Community Recovery from Natural Disasters.
Cities and disasters /
Management of Natural Disasters.
DISASTER ANARCHY : mutual aid and radical action.
Innovative humanitarian financing case studies of funding models /
The invention of disaster : power and knowledge in discourses on hazard and vulnerability /
Information and communication technologies for humanitarian services
The humanitarian exit dilemma : the moral cost of withdrawing aid /
MULTI-CRITERIA DECISION ANALYSIS case studies in disaster management.
Case studies in disaster recovery /
Disaster resilience and human settlements : emerging perspectives in the Anthropocene /
Introduction to international disaster management /
Catastrophe and Systemic Change learning from the Grenfell Tower Fire and other disasters.
HV553 .A357 2017 3.5 square meters: constructive responses to natural disasters : a research project and exhibition / 1
HV553 .A38 2016 Advances in managing humanitarian operations / 1