Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
HV6039 .I6 | La criminología. | 1 |
HV6039 .I7 1919 | Criminoloǵia. | 1 |
HV6039 .M3 | Estudios de antropología criminal Memoria, que por disposición del superior gobierno del estado de Puebla, presentan, para concurrir a la Exposición Internacional de Chicago, los doctores Francisco Martínez Baca y Manuel Vergara. | 1 |
HV6039 .S3 | El delincuente Español : hampa (antropología picaresca) | 1 |
HV6039 ebook |
Seguridad ciudadana, desviación social y sistema judicial / ANTROPOLOGIA CRIMINAL delincuentes y marginados. ¿Qué prohíben las normas de comportamiento? : una reflexión sobre las normas de conducta de los delitos resultativos : a la vez, un comentario crítico a la teoría analítica de la imputación / |
3 |
HV6041 .C45 | Lectures on the growth of criminal law in ancient communities / | 1 |
HV6041 .H266 | General principles of criminal law / | 1 |
HV6041 .H35 | Science, common sense, and criminal law reform : an address given on the occasion of a two-day legal institute in the College of Law, State University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, October 18, 1963 / | 1 |
HV6041 .I6 | Las bases del derecho penal. | 1 |
HV6041 .M36 1967 | Criminal justice and social reconstruction / | 1 |
HV6041 .M64 | The honest politician's guide to crime control / | 2 |
HV6041 .P25 | The principles of anthropology and sociology in their relations to criminal procedure / | 1 |
HV6041 .P25 1908r | The principles of anthropology and sociology in their relations to criminal procedure / | 1 |
HV6041 .T8 | Criminality and legal order / | 2 |
HV6045 .C58 1897i | Crime and criminals | 2 |
HV6045 .C64 2001 | Classifying criminal offenders with the MMPI-2 : the Megargee system / | 1 |
HV6045 .C68 | Criminal behavior systems : a typology / | 1 |
HV6045 .C68 1973 | Criminal behavior systems : a typology / | 1 |
HV6045 .C68 1994 | Criminal behavior systems : a typology / | 1 |
HV6045 .D73 1900i | The criminal his personnel and environment, a scientific study / | 1 |