Call Number (LC) Title Results
HV6301 .N6 2000 No longer business as usual : fighting bribery and corruption. 1
HV6301 .P67 2007eb Corruption and the secret of law : a legal anthropological perspective / 1
HV6301 .T45 2017 Thinking about bribery : neuroscience, moral cognition and the psychology of bribery / 2
HV6301 .W73 2007 Bribery and extortion : undermining business, governments, and security / 1
HV6304 .F59 1901i The world of graft 1
HV6304 .R63 Political crime in the United States : analyzing crime by and against government / 1
HV6306 .B56 2015 Fundraiser A : my fight for freedom and justice / 1
HV6306 .M38 Why worry about corruption? / 1
HV6308.C6 L7 The beast / 1
HV6308 .L56 1910i The beast 1
HV6312 .P88 1908i Looters of the public domain embracing a complete exposure of the fraudulent system of acquiring titles to the public lands of the United States, profusely illustrated with splendid halftone engravings and etchings of important incidents connected with the different trials, together with the latest photographs of the principal actors in the great land fraud drama / 1
HV6321 Trust and distrust : corruption in office in Britain and its empire, 1600-1850 /
Criminal misconduct in office : law and politics /
HV6321.G3 B83 2005 Repression und Haft in der SED-Diktatur und die "gekaufte Freiheit" : Dokumentation des 14. Buchenwald-Gesprächs vom 22. bis 23. November 2004 in Berlin zum Thema "Häftlingsfreikauf" / 1
HV6321 .H67 2018i Criminal misconduct in office law and politics / 1
HV6321.J3 M57 1996 Political bribery in Japan / 1
HV6321.J3 T78 2000 Kyodai shōchō amakudari fuhai hakusho / 1
HV6321.O42 O425 1997 OECD actions to fight corruption : review of the 1994 Recommendation on Bribery in International Business Transactions, including proposals to facilitate the criminalisation of bribery of foreign public officials : report / 1
HV6321.P63 S855 2011  
HV6321.P8 V57 1970 Arte de furtar / 1
HV6321.S5 K35 2004 The political economy of corruption in Sierra Leone / 1