Call Number (LC) Title Results
HV640 .C64 1989 Early warning of refugee flows / 1
HV640 .C645 2023 Continental encampment : genealogies of humanitarian containment in the Middle East and Europe / 2
HV640 .C68 2019 Country frameworks for development displacement and resettlement : reducing risk, building resilience / 1
HV640 .C787 2016eb The Food Insecurities of Zimbabwean Migrants in Urban South Africa. 1
HV640 .C85 2019 Crossing the digital divide : applying technology to the global refugee crisis / 1
HV640 .D36 2021 Queering asylum in Europe : legal and social experiences of seeking international protection on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity / 2
HV640 .D43 1995i Encouraging refugee awareness in the classroom a guide for teachers / 1
HV640 .D46 1993 Protecting the dispossessed : a challenge for the international community / 2
HV640 .D48 2009 Development & dispossession : the crisis of forced displacement and resettlement / 1
HV640 .D54 2018eb Digital lifeline? : ICTs for refugees and displaced persons / 2
HV640 .D58 2005 The dispossessed : an anatomy of exile / 1
HV640 .D63 2022eb Documenting displacement : questioning methodological boundaries in forced migration research / 2
HV640 .D65 2006 Doing research with refugees : issues and guidelines / 3
HV640 .D74 2010 Driven from home : protecting the rights of forced migrants / 1
HV640 .D74 2010eb Driven from home protecting the rights of forced migrants /
Driven from home : protecting the rights of forced migrants /
HV640 .D76 1981 The refugee dilemma : international recognition and acceptance / 1
HV640 .D82 2001 The international containment of displaced persons : humanitarian spaces without exit / 1
HV640 .D83 2018 The international containment of displaced persons : humanitarian spaces without exit / 1
HV640 .E27 2022 Refugees, self-reliance, development : a critical history / 1
HV640 .E5 1999 The end of the refugee cycle? : refugee repatriation and reconstruction / 1