Call Number (LC) Title Results
HV640.5.I5 M65 2017 Running on empty : Canada and the Indochinese refugees, 1975-1980 / 1
HV640.5.I5 R42 1989 Refugees as immigrants : Cambodians, Laotians, and Vietnamese in America / 1
HV640.5.I5 R63 1998 Terms of refuge : the Indochinese exodus & the international response / 1
HV640.5.I5 S72 1983 Exodus Indochina / 1
HV640.5.I5 S76 Wrapped in the wind's shawl : refugees of Southeast Asia and the Western World / 1
HV640.5.I5 S77 1985 Indochinese refugees in America : problems of adaptation and assimilation / 1
HV640.5.I5 S84 1980i Indochinese refugees the impact on first asylum countries and implications for American policy : a study / 1
HV640.5.I5 U553 1990f Southeast Asian refugees and their access to health and mental health services 1
HV640.5.I5 W3 1981 The refused : the agony of the Indochina refugees / 1
HV640.5.I56 M37 2001 Shadow plays : the crisis of refugees and internally displaced persons in Indonesia / 1
HV640.5.I72 M37 1991 Mass exodus : Iraqi refugees in Iran. 1
HV640.5.I72 M37 1991i Mass exodus Iraqi refugees in Iran. 1
HV640.5.I73 D36 2022 Political refugees : a new perspective / 1
HV640.5.I73 E95 2005 Exile family movie / 1
HV640.5.I75 U53 1991 Persian Gulf crisis : humanitarian relief provided to evacuees from Kuwait and Iraq : report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Europe and the Middle East, Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives / 1
HV640.5.I76 Iraqi refugees in the United States : the enduring effects of the War on Terror / 1
HV640.5.I76 C73 2021 Iraqi refugees in the United States : the enduring effects of the War on Terror / 1
HV640.5.I76 K494 2023 Resettled Iraqi refugees in the United States : war, refuge, belonging, participation, and protest / 2
HV640.5.I76 S46 2023i Return and reintegration prospects for Iraqis coming back from Al Hol 1
HV640.5.I8 B35 2020 The world refugees made : decolonization and the foundation of postwar Italy / 3