Call Number (LC) Title Results
HV6432.7 .M47 2006 Aftermath / 1
HV6432.7 .M486 2008 Civic war & the corruption of the citizen / 1
HV6432.7 .M486 2008eb Civic war & the corruption of the citizen / 1
HV6432.7 .M535 2021 Affective heritage and the politics of memory after 9/11 : curating trauma at the Memorial Museum / 1
HV6432.7 .M66 2010 The Shock of the News : Media Coverage and the Making of 9/11.
The shock of the news : media coverage and the making of 9/11 /
HV6432.7 .M85 2017 September 11, 2001 as a cultural trauma : a case study through popular culture / 2
HV6432.7 .M86 2007 Iʻādat rasm al-kharāʼiṭ / 1
HV6432.7 .N37i National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States 1
HV6432.7 .N38 2004 The 9/11 Commission report : final report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States / 1
HV6432.7 .N381 2004 The 9/11 Commission report : final report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States. 1
HV6432.7 .N381 2004i The 9/11 Commission report including Executive summary final report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States / 1
HV6432.7 .N39 2004 The 9/11 Commission report : final report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States. 1
HV6432.7 .N39 2004b The 9/11 Commission report : final report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States. 3
HV6432.7 .N485 2018 New York after 9/11 / 1
HV6432.7 .N56 2004 9/11 and terrorist travel staff report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States / 1
HV6432.7 .N57 2005 The 9/11 Commission : proceedings and analysis / 1
HV6432.7 .O53 2013eb  
HV6432.7 .O53 2014 On the Ground After September 11 : Mental Health Responses and Practical Knowledge Gained. 1
HV6432.7 .O94 2002 And no birds sang / 1
HV6432.7 .P35 2019 The securitization of memorial space : rhetoric and public memory / 2