Call Number (LC) Title Results
HV6432 .D432 2009 Debating the war of ideas /
Debating the war of ideas
HV6432 .D433 2008 Tabloid terror : war, culture, and geopolitics / 1
HV6432 .D433 2008eb Tabloid terror : war, culture, and geopolitics / 1
HV6432 .D45 2007 Denial of sanctuary : understanding terrorist safe havens / 1
HV6432.D46 2002 Countering Terrorism : Lessons Learned from Natural and Technological Disasters / 1
HV6432 .D46 2002eb Countering terrorism : lessons learned from natural and technological disasters / 1
HV6432 .D56 2008 Mass media, mass propaganda : examining American news in the "War on Terror" / 1
HV6432 .D57 1976i Disorders and terrorism report of the Task Force on Disorders and Terrorism. 1
HV6432 .D66 2020i Domestic terrorism definitions, terminology, and methodology. 1
HV6432 .D69 1995 Terrorism at home and abroad : applicable federal and state criminal laws / 1
HV6432 .D84 2014 9/11 and collective memory in US classrooms : teaching about terror / 1
HV6432 .D84 2015 9/11 and collective memory in US classrooms : teaching about terror / 1
HV6432 .D86 2011 The fertile soil of Jihad : terrorism's prison connection / 1
HV6432 . E36 2005 The economic impacts of terrorist attacks / 1
HV6432 .E427 2003 Just war against terror : the burden of American power in a violent world / 1
HV6432 .E427 2008 Just War Against Terror : the Burden of American Power in a Violent World. 1
HV6432 .E4275 2006 Emergent information technologies and enabling policies for counter terrorism / 1
HV6432 .E44 2002  
HV6432 .E46 2006 Jihad incorporated : a guide to militant Islam in the US / 2
HV6432 .E64 2006 (En)gendering the war on terror : war stories and camouflaged politics / 1