HV6453.I7 H65 2009
Freney the robber : the noblest highwayman in Ireland. |
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HV6453.I73 D86 2000
The Irish highwaymen / |
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HV6453.I73 S65 1695
Some instances of persons supposed to be unduly attainted in Ireland, &c. |
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Banditry in Islam : case studies from Morocco, Algeria and the Pakistan North West Frontier / |
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HV6453.I74 ebook
El bandidismo en el Islam estudio de caso en Marruecos, Argelia y la frontera noroeste de Pakistán. / |
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HV6453.I74 H37 1987
Banditry in Islam : case studies from Morocco, Algeria and the Pakistan North West Frontier / |
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Le Retour du Prince : Pouvoir et criminalité / |
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HV6453.I8 A74 1986
Mafia business : the Mafia ethic and the spirit of capitalism / |
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HV6453.I8 A85 2012
Atlante delle mafie : storia, economia, società, cultura / |
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HV6453.I8 B44 1996
The Camorra / |
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HV6453.I8 B44 1996eb
The Camorra |
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HV6453.I8 B45 2002
See Naples and die : the Camorra and organized crime / |
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HV6453.I8 B5
Il brigantaggio alla frontiera pontificia dal 1860 al 1863 : studio istorico-politico-statistico-morale-militare. |
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HV6453.I8 B84 2019
Casamonica : la storia segreta : la violenta ascesa della famiglia criminale che ha invaso Roma / |
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HV6453.I8 C44 2022
Che c'entriamo noi : racconti di donne, mafie, contaminazioni / |
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HV6453.I8 C5 1989
The mafia and politics : the Italian state under siege / |
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HV6453.I8 C757 1989
La mafia come metodo e come sistema / |
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HV6453.I8 D45 1984
Storia politico-militare del brigantaggio nelle provincie maridionali d'Italia / |
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HV6453.I8 F35 1991
Cose di Cosa Nostra / |
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HV6453.I8 F66 1998
Fonti per la storia del brigantaggio postunitario conservate nell'Archivio centrale dello Stato : tribunali militari straordinari / |
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