Call Number (LC) Title Results
HV6457 .C8 1969i Lynch-law an investigation into the history of lynching in the United States / 1
HV6457 .C876 Lynch-law : an investigation into the history of lynching in the United States. 1
HV6457 .E65 2017 Lynching in America : confronting the legacy of racial terror / 1
HV6457 .G46 2011eb Gender and lynching the politics of memory / 1
HV6457 .G65 2006 A spectacular secret : lynching in American life and literature / 1
HV6457 .H34 Revolt against chivalry : Jessie Daniel Ames and the women's campaign against lynching / 1
HV6457 .H34 1993 Revolt against chivalry : Jessie Daniel Ames and the women's campaign against lynching / 1
HV6457 .H54 2016 Beyond the rope : the impact of lynching on black culture and memory / 1
HV6457 .H55 2008 Men, mobs, and law anti-lynching and labor defense in U.S. radical history / 1
HV6457 .I45 2007 On the courthouse lawn : confronting the legacy of lynching in the twenty-first century / 2
HV6457 .K37 2016 Liberalizing lynching : building a new racialized state / 1
HV6457 .L35 2021 American atrocity : the types of violence in lynching / 2
HV6457 .L54 2011 Blood at the root : lynching as American cultural nucleus / 1
HV6457 .L54 2011eb Blood at the root : lynching as American cultural nucleus / 1
HV6457 .L947 2013 Lynching beyond Dixie : American mob violence outside the South / 1
HV6457 .L947 2013eb Lynching beyond Dixie : American mob violence outside the South / 2
HV6457 .L95 2006 Lynching in America : a history in documents / 1
HV6457 .L98 2017 Lynching in America : targeting Black veterans / 1
HV6457 .N3 1969b Thirty years of lynching in the United States, 1889-1918. 1
HV6457 .O74 2019 Lynching : violence, rhetoric, and American identity / 3