Call Number (LC) Title Results
HV6626.23.G7 T39 2016 Collaborative practice with vulnerable children and their families / 1
HV6626.23.G7 V56 1976 Violence in the family / 1
HV6626.23.G7 W55 2000eb Domestic violence and health : the response of the medical profession / 1
HV6626.23.H6 P748 2012eb Preventing family violence : a multidisciplinary approach / 1
HV6626.23.I4 Feminist counselling and domestic violence in India /
Counseling women : kinship against violence in India /
The social and legal regulation of domestic violence in the Kesarwani community : Kolkata, India and beyond /
UNDERSTANDING MARITAL VIOLENCE a case-study from northeast india.
HV6626.23.I4 B438 2017 Bharat me Gharelu Hinsa. 1
HV6626.23.I4 F46 2013 Feminist counselling and domestic violence in India / 1
HV6626.23.I4 I58 2022 Intimacy and injury : in the wake of #MeToo in India and South Africa / 1
HV6626.23.I4 M34 2018 Domestic violence and health care in India : policy and practice / 1
HV6626.23.I4 R69 2020 Capable women, incapable states : negotiating violence and rights in India / 1
HV6626.23.I7 T59 2012 Domestic violence in Iran : women, marriage and Islam /
Domestic Violence in Iran : Women, Marriage and Islam.
HV6626.23.I7 T59 2012eb Domestic violence in Iran : women, marriage and Islam / 1
HV6626.23.I73 D58 2019 Marital violence in post-independence Ireland, 1922-96 : 'a living tomb for women' / 1
HV6626.23.I744 Family violence and social change in the Pacific Islands / 1
HV6626.23.I75 Battering states : the politics of domestic violence in Israel / 1
HV6626.23.I75 E57 2000 Locked in a violent embrace: understanding and intervening in domestic violence
Locked in a violent embrace: understanding and intervening in domestic violence /
HV6626.23.J3 Family violence in Japan : a life course perspective / 1
HV6626.23.L29S34 2000eb La ruta critica de las mujeres afectadas por la violencia intrafamiliar en America Latin. 1
HV6626.23.L29 T66 1999 Too close to home : domestic violence in the Americas / 1
HV6626.23.L29V56 2003eb La violencia contra la mujer : responde el sector de la salud. 1