Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
HV6883.5 .G35 2006 | Conscription and crime | 1 |
HV6885.B8 C3513 | While the city sleeps : a history of pistoleros, policemen, and the crime beat in Buenos Aires before Peron / | 2 |
HV6885.B8 C3513 2017 | While the city sleeps : a history of pistoleros, policemen, and the crime beat in Buenos Aires before Peron / | 1 |
HV6885.B8 P76 1990 | The Problem of order in changing societies : essays on crime and policing in Argentina and Uruguay / | 1 |
HV6885.B8 R84 2004 | Modernity in the flesh : medicine, law, and society in turn-of-the-century Argentina / | 1 |
HV6894.N6 L5 | O mundo estranho dos cangaceiros : ensaio bio-sociológico / | 1 |
HV6895.S3 | The entangled city : crime as urban fabric in Saô Paulo / | 1 |
HV6895.S3 C35 2000 | City of walls : crime, segregation, and citizenship in São Paulo / | 1 |
HV6895.S3 C353 2020 | City of Walls : Crime, Segregation, and Citizenship in São Paulo / | 1 |
HV6895.S3 F38 1984 | Crime e cotidiano : a criminalidade em São Paulo, 1880-1924 / | 1 |
HV6895.S3 S76 2022 | ||
HV6896 .F784 1997 | Percepciones de inseguridad y realidad delictiva en tres comunas populares de Santaigo / | 1 |
HV6896 .J3 | Manuel. | 1 |
HV6897 .F784 1997 | Percepciones de inseguridad y realidad delictiva en tres comunas populares de Santaigo / | 1 |
HV6900.S36 ebook | Violencia en barrios críticos explicaciones teóricas y estrategias de intervención basadas en el papel de la comunidad : estudio de caso en dos barrios de Santiago de Chile, Legua Emergencia y Yungay / | 1 |
HV6902 .A15 1966 | Estampas y testimonios de violencia. | 1 |
HV6902 .D69 2022i | Recidivism risks in the "differential assistance" process for people exiting criminal groups in Colombia MEAC findings report 25 / | 1 |
HV6902 .E26 2019eb | Economía y seguridad en el posconflicto | 1 |
HV6902 .S4 | El hombre frente a la violencia. | 1 |
HV6902 ebook |
París Trejos : memorias de un estafador / Perspectivas sociojurídicas sobre el control del crimen / |
2 |