Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
HV707.C476 2001 | Child Welfare and Social Action from the Nineteenth Century to the Present. | 2 |
HV707 .I5222 1978 | The abused child in the family and in the community : selected papers from The Second International Congress on Child Abuse and Neglect, London, 1978 / | 1 |
HV707 .S63 1987 | Social intervention : potential and constraints / | 1 |
HV711 | Nuevo Diccionario para el análisis e Intervención Social con Infancia y Adolescencia | 1 |
HV713 |
Growing up in poverty : findings from young lives / The ABC of child protection Offene Kinder- und Jugendarbeit in Corona-Zeiten aus Sicht von Fachkräften Eine empirische Studie zur Situation von Einrichtungen in Hamburg Safeguarding young people beyond the family home responding to extra-familial risks and harms. New directions in children's welfare : professionals, policy and practice / Child Poverty in New Zealand. Ambulante Hilfe zur Erziehung und Sozialraumorientierung : Plädoyer für ein umstrittenes Konzept der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe in Zeiten der Nützlichkeitsideologie / Child welfare discourses and practices in the Czech lands. Children of austerity : impact of the Great Recession on child poverty in rich countries / Reaching and investing in children at the margins : summary of a joint workshop by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Open Society Foundations, and the International Step by Step Association (ISSA) / The Survival Guide for Newly Qualified Child and Family Social Workers : Hitting the Ground Running. Maltreatment in early childhood : tools for research-based intervention / Creating safer organisations : practical steps to prevent the abuse of children by those working with them / Working with ethnic minorities and across cultures in Western child protection systems / Errors and mistakes in child protection : international discourses, approaches and strategies / Children's services : working together. Children, health and well-being : policy debates and lived experience / Leadership in child and family practice / Prevention and early intervention with children in need / Pride and shame in child and family social work : emotions and the search for humane practice / Státní orgány sociálněprávní ochrany dětí : dobrá praxe z pohledu rodin a pracovníků / PRINCIPLE OF THE WELFARE OF THE CHILD a history. Aufwachsen in öffentlicher Verantwortung / Ambulante Hilfe zur Erziehung und Sozialraumorientierung : Plädoyer für ein umstrittenes Konzept der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe in Zeiten der Nützlichkeitsideologie / Case examples in child welfare and family services for social workers / Theoretical and empirical insights into child and family poverty : cross national perspectives / Deciding children's futures : an expert guide to assessments for safeguarding and promoting children's welfare in the family court / Integrative approach to clinical social work practice with children of incarcerated parents : a clinician's guide / Social work with young people in care : looking after children in theory and practice / Children of color in the child welfare system : psychological research and best practices / The early years : child well-being and the role of public policy / Supervising child protection practice what works? : an evidence informed approach / Rights-based integrated child protection service delivery systems secondary and tertiary prevention / Education, social justice, and inter-agency working joined up or fractured policy? / Professional practice in child protection and the child's right to participate / The handbook on child welfare practice / Working ethically in child protection / Aging out of the foster system : youths' perspectives / Self-worth in children and young people critical and practical considerations / National Systems of Child Protection : Understanding the International Variability and Context for Developing Policy and Practice / Pela infância, tudo! / TRAUMA INFORMED SUPPORT AND SUPERVISION FOR CHILD PROTECTION PROFESSIONALS. Challenging Child Protection : New Directions in Safeguarding Children. Social communication development and disorders / Schools as protection? : reinventing education in contexts of adversity / Children's Chances : How Countries Can Move from Surviving to Thriving / Working with children, young people and families The Routledge handbook of child and family social work research : knowledge-building, application, and impact / |
56 |
HV713 .Ã535 2013 | Der Anspruch Von Drittstaatsangehörigen Auf Kindergeld, Elterngeld und Unterhaltsvorschuss : Ein Fall Von Verfassungsgemäßer Ungleichbehandlung? | 1 |
HV713 .Ö535 2013 | Der Anspruch Von Drittstaatsangehörigen Auf Kindergeld, Elterngeld und Unterhaltsvorschuss : Ein Fall Von Verfassungsgemäßer Ungleichbehandlung? | 1 |
HV713 .A37 1987 | Adjustment with a human face / | 1 |
HV713 .A544 2000 | Does family preservation serve a child's best interests? / | 1 |
HV713 .A65 2023 | Care in social work with children and families : theory, everyday practices and possibilities for social change / | 1 |
HV713 .A7 | Who's running your life? : A look at young people's rights / | 1 |
HV713 .A87 1985 | Assault against children : why it happens, how to stop it / | 1 |
HV713 .B32 2020 | "Crossover" children in the youth justice and child protection systems / | 1 |
HV713 .B33 | Slaughter of the innocents. | 2 |
HV713 .B37 2004 | Children in foster care / | 1 |
HV713 .B37 2004eb | Children in foster care / | 1 |
HV713 .B4 2010eb | Integrated children's centres : overcoming barriers to truly integrated services / | 1 |
HV713 .B48 1989 | Betrayal : child exploitation in today's world / | 1 |
HV713 .B48 1990 | Betrayal : a report on violence toward children in today's world / | 2 |
HV713 .B554 2006 | Working with children assessment, representation and intervention / | 1 |