Call Number (LC) Title Results
HV7432 .K46 2018 Risk-based policing : evidence-based crime prevention with big data and spatial analytics / 1
HV7432 .K57 2014 Surveillance and threat detection : prevention versus mitigation / 3
HV7432 .P47 2013 Predictive policing : the role of crime forecasting in law enforcement operations / 4
HV7432 .S78 2011eb The collapse of American criminal justice / 1
HV7432.5.A356 N88 2008i Handbook on planning and action for crime prevention in Southern Africa and the Caribbean regions 1
HV7432.5.M58 J64 2021eb Grandmothers on guard : gender, aging, and the Minutemen at the US-Mexico border / 2
HV7433.L67 N45 2009 Neighborhood effects on crime and youth violence : the role of business improvement districts in Los Angeles / 1
HV7433.S26 L48 2010 The committee of vigilance : the Law and Order Committee of the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce and its war against the Left, 1916-1919 / 1
HV7433.S57 Evaluation of the Shreveport predictive policing experiment 1
HV7433.S57 H86 2014 Evaluation of the Shreveport predictive policing experiment / 1
HV7434 Crime control and everyday life in the Victorian city : the police and the public /
Crime Prevention Policies in Comparative Perspective.
HV7434.A72 Actores e instituciones de la seguridad en la provincia de Buenos Aires (2010 - 2018) / 1
HV7434.B6 S44 2010eb Segurança pública no Brasil um campo de desafios / 1
HV7434.B7 G54 2015 The new war on the poor : the production of insecurity in Latin America / 2
HV7434.C35 H37 2018 Zonas peligrosas : the challenge of creating safe neighborhoods in Central America / 1
HV7434.C5 ebook Seguridad pública : reflexiones, cuestionamientos y propuestas / 1
HV7434.C87 L58 2020 Qualitative research on the dark figure of physical violence / 1
HV7434.E85 Crime prevention, migration control and surveillance practices : welfare bureaucracy as mobility deterrent / 1
HV7434.E85 C43 2017eb Challenges and critiques of the EU internal security strategy : rights, power and security / 1
HV7434.E85 C75 2009eb Crime prevention policies in comparative perspective 1