Call Number (LC) Title Results
HV8079.25 .P64 1989 Police work with juveniles and the administration of juvenile justice / 1
HV8079.25 .P65 1954i Police services for juveniles including the report of a conference held at East Lansing, Michigan, on August 3-4, 1953, sponsored by the Children's Bureau in cooperation with the International Association of Chiefs of Police and Special Juvenile Delinquency Project. 1
HV8079.3 .H84 2022 Policing mental health : public safety and crime prevention in Canada / 1
HV8079.3 .M46 1998 Mental illness : police response. 1
HV8079.3 .P65 1997 The police response to people with mental illnesses : including information on the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements and community policing approaches : trainers guide and model policy. 1
HV8079.5 .B582 1995 Photographic enforcement of traffic laws / 1
HV8079.5 .B582 1995x Photographic enforcement of traffic laws / 1
HV8079.5 .L38 2015 The battle for the roads of Britain : police, motorists and the law, c. 1890s to 1970s / 2
HV8079.5 .L39 2011 Policing in England and Wales, 1918-39 the fed, flying squads and forensics /
Policing in England and Wales, 1918-39 : the fed, flying squads and forensics /
HV8079.5 .T74 2001 Traffic safety in the new millennium : strategies for law enforcement : a planning guide for law enforcement executives, administrators and managers / 1
HV8079.55 A26 1990 Accident reconstruction : human, vehicle, and environmental factors. 1
HV8079.55 .A264 Accident reconstruction. 1
HV8079.55 .B87 2007eb Forensic medical investigation of motor vehicle incidents 1
HV8079.55 .C65 2020eb Collision reconstruction methodologies. 1
HV8079.55 .F64 Forensic accident investigation : motor vehicles / 1
HV8079.55 .L66 2016eb Spatial analysis methods of road traffic collisions / 2
HV8079.55 .M68i Motor vehicle accident reconstruction and cause analysis 1
HV8079.55 .R63 1988 Road accidents : on-site investigations : report / 1
HV8079.55 .S23 1989 Motor vehicle accident reconstruction : review and update / 1
HV8079.55 .V36 2000 Vehicular accident investigation and reconstruction 1