Call Number (LC) Title Results
HV8579 .S63 The speech and deportment of Col. Iames Turner, at his execution in Leaden-Hall-Street, January 21, 1663 who was condemned for felony and burglary, in breaking up the house and robbing of Mr. Francis Tryon, merchant, living in Limestreet, London. 2
HV8579 .T4 "... Hang by the neck ..." : the legal use of scaffold and noose, gibbet, stake, and firing squad from colonial times to the present / 1
HV8579 .T78 A True narrative of the confession and execution of the seven prisoners at Tyburn, on Friday the 19th of this instant December 1679
The True narrative of the confession and execution of the eight prisoners at Tyburn on Wednesday the 14th of this instant July 1680 viz. Thomas Sides, James Care, Joseph Warner alias Westwood, Sammuel Griffin for fellonies and burglaries, William Wilson for robbing on the high-way, Mary Clark for murthering her bastard-child, Jane Pool, Susannah French, alias Hollis, for shop-lifting.
A True narrative of the confession and execution of several notorious malefactors at Tyburn on Wednesday April the 16th 1684 viz. Charles Close, Bernard Trevers, Hugh Kelly, Katherine Smith, and Mary Corbet who was burnt at Tyburn for high-treason.
The True narrative of the confession and execution of the prisoners at Kingstone-upon-Thames, on Wednesday the 16th of this instant March, 1681 viz. Margaret Osgood burnt for killing her husband, Mary Trot for several fellonies, William Abbot, Abel Hamersly, Thomas Savioury [brace] for robing on the high-way, Edward Turner, William Wyer, John Bradsham, Richard Wilson [brace] for fellony and burglary ..
HV8579 .T92 Tyburn gallows / 1
HV8579 .W48 1693 The last speech and confession of James Whitney, Butcher who was executed at the Porters-Bloock [sic] near West-Smith Field on Wednesday the 1st. of February, 1693. With his pious exhortations and prayers, during his imprisonment since the sentence of death past upon him, with his last legacy, to his wife and dearest children. 1
HV8579 HV8581 The two converted theeves; or, The accidentall meeting of Peter Picklock and Matthew make them stand, being a diolog betweene the scaffold and the gallowes. / 1
HV8581 .H37 1893i Hanging in chains 1
HV8593 The History Of Torture.
Torture as state crime : a criminological analysis of the transnational institutional torturer /
Torture : power, democracy, and the human body /
El ser y la tortura /
Contesting torture : interdisciplinary perspectives /
Torture and moral integrity : a philosophical enquiry /
The Politics of pain : torturers and their masters /
Why not torture terrorists? moral, practical, and legal aspects of the 'ticking bomb' justification for torture /
Torture /
FOLTERSITUATIONEN UND WISSENSFLUSSE soziologische uberlegungen zur gewalt gegen gefangene des "war on terror".
HV8593 .A33 2016 Political torture in popular culture : the role of representations in the post-9/11 torture debate / 3
HV8593 .A4 1984 Against torture. 1
HV8593.A425 2012 Terrorism, Ticking Time-Bombs, and Torture : a Philosophical Analysis.
Terrorism, ticking time-bombs, and torture : a philosophical analysis /
HV8593 .A43 1984 Against torture. 1
HV8593 .A44 1975 Report on torture. 2
HV8593 .A44 1984 Torture in the eighties : an Amnesty International report. 2
HV8593 .A4411 Torture in the eighties : testimony submitted by Amnesty International USA to the United States Congress May 1984. 1
HV8593 .B35 2007 Torture : when the unthinkable is morally permissible / 1
HV8593 .B35 2007eb Torture : when the unthinkable is morally permissible / 1
HV8593 .B356 2017 A genealogy of the torture taboo / 1
HV8593 .B356 2017eb A genealogy of the torture taboo / 1
HV8593 .B357 2018 Bearing witness : psychoanalytic work with people traumatized by torture and state violence / 1