Call Number (LC) Title Results
HV9278 .C38 Crime, courts, and probation / 1
HV9278 .C54 Probation and parole : principles and practices. 1
HV9278 .C64 1995 Probation and parole violators in state prison, 1991 : survey of state prison inmates, 1991 / 1
HV9278 .D7 Parole chief. 1
HV9278 .D72 Practice and theory of probation and parole /
Practice and theory of probation and parole.
HV9278 .D72 1970 Practice and theory of probation and parole. 1
HV9278 .E23 1982 A validation and comparative evaluation of four predictive devices for classifying federal probation caseloads : a report to the Committee of the Judicial Conference of the United States on the Administration of the Probation System / 1
HV9278 .E9 Successful parole, 1
HV9278 .F58 2023 Parole on probation : parole decision-making, public opinion, and public confidence / 1
HV9278 .G5 The parole process.
The parole process /
HV9278 .G53 1966i The sentencing and parole process 1
HV9278 .G532 1966i The violent offender 1
HV9278 .G883 The selection of offenders for probation. 1
HV9278 .G888 1959i The selection of offenders for probation 1
HV9278 .I761 1997 Promoting probation internationally : proceedings of the International Training Workshop on Probation (2-5 July 1997, Valletta, Malta) / 1
HV9278 .J64 1928i Probation for juveniles and adults a study of principles and methods / 1
HV9278 .K38 Imaginative programming in probation and parole / 1
HV9278 .K38 1967 Imaginative Programming in Probation and Parole. 2
HV9278 .K39 Probation and parole / 1
HV9278 .K4 Prison, probation, or parole? : A probation officer reports. 1