Call Number (LC) Title Results
HV9345 .F37 2021 Rethinking what works with offenders : probation, social context and desistance from crime / 1
HV9345 .R33 2006 Race and probation / 1
HV9345 .T87 2005 Wanted / 1
HV9345 .W45 2001eb Introduction to the probation service / 1
HV9346 Desistance and societies in comparative perspective /
Life after life imprisonment
HV9346.A5 Getting out : early release in England and Wales, 1960-1995 /
Human rights in probation : theory, practice and balance /
HV9346.A5 A33 1685 An account of the proceedings upon His Majesties gracious pardon, extended to the poor distressed prisoners in the goal of Newgate for the city of London, and county of Middlesex, for divers crimes and high misdemeaners [sic] by them committed, and hereafter mentioned : as it was proceeded on Saturday the 21th [sic] of this instant March, 1685 at Justice-Hall in the Old-Bayly. 1
HV9346.A5 D44 2011eb Probation practice and the new penology : practitioner reflections / 1
HV9346.A5 D44 2016 Probation practice and the new penology practitioner reflections / 1
HV9346.A5 D46 1992eb Racism and anti-racism in probation /
Racism and anti-racism in probation
HV9346.A5 D69 2008eb Managing personality disordered offenders in the community : a psychological approach / 1
HV9346.A5 G48 2006 Getting out and staying out : results of the prisoner Resettlement Pathfinders / 1
HV9346.A5 G7 Probation and mental treatment. 1
HV9346.A5 .G85 2018i Getting out early release in England and Wales, 1960-1995 / 1
HV9346.A5 M36 2006eb Managing persistent and serious offenders in the community : intensive community programmes in theory and practice / 1
HV9346.A5 P74 2007 Prisoner Resettlement : Policy and Practice. 2
HV9346.A5 T53 2021 Professionalism in probation making sense of marketisation / 1
HV9346.A5 W56 2007eb Who to release? : parole, fairness and criminal justice / 1
HV9346.A6 M537 2007eb Transforming youth justice : occupational identity and cultural change / 1
HV9346 .A67 2010 Life after life imprisonment / 1