Call Number (LC) Title Results
HV9481.N62 R555 2023  
HV9481.N62 S8 The New York Tombs its secrets and its mysteries. Being a history of noted criminals, with narratives of their crimes / 1
HV9481.P5 L33 On the prisons of Philadelphia / 1
HV9481.P5 L6 An account of the alteration and present state of the penal laws of Pennsylvania Containing, also, an account of the gaol and penitentiary house of Philadelphia-and the interior management thereof / 1
HV9481.P5 M47 1996 Laboratories of virtue : punishment, revolution, and authority in Philadelphia, 1760-1835 / 2
HV9481.P5 M47 1996eb Laboratories of virtue : punishment, revolution, and authority in Philadelphia, 1760-1835 / 1
HV9481.P5 T87 1797i A visit to the Philadelphia prison being an accurate and particular account of the wise and humane administration adopted in every part of that building ; containing also an account of the gradual reformation, and present improved state, of the penal laws of Pennsylvania : with observations on the impolicy and injustice of capital punishments : in a letter to a friend / 1
HV9481.P5 V38 1826i Notices of the original, and successive efforts, to improve the discipline of the prison at Philadelphia, and to reform the criminal code of Pennsylvania with a few observations on the penitentiary system / 1
HV9481.P52 H657 2005 In prison air : the cells of Holmesburg Prison / 1
HV9481.P52 T8 A visit to the Philadelphia prison : being an accurate account of the wise and humane administration adopted in every part of that buiilding; containing also, an account of the gradual reformation, and present improved state, of the penal laws of Pennsylvania : with observations on the impolicy and injustice of capital punishments : in a letter to a friend /
A visit to the Philadelphia prison being an accurate and particular account of the wise and humane administration adopted in every part of that building; containing also an account of the gradual reformation, and present improved state, of the penal laws of Pennsylvania: with observations on the impolicy and injustice of capital punishments. In a letter to a friend /
HV9481.S362 N484 1988 In prison / 1
HV9481.T442 C353 2009 Hard time at Tehachapi : California's first women's prison / 1
HV9481.W3 D25 1990x D.C. government : noneducation factors hindered criminal justice initiative : report to congressional requesters / 1
HV9481.W3 U54 1988 DC government : alternate sites for federally funded DC correctional facility : briefing report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on the District of Columbia, Committee on Appropriations, U.S. Senate / 1
HV9505 .D44 A3 2006 Incorrigible. 1
HV9505 .M45 1995 Maximum, minimum, medium : a lawyer's passage through prison / 1
HV9505.M45 A3 1995x Maximum, minimum, medium : a journey through Canadian prisons / 1
HV9507 Surviving incarceration : inside Canadian prisons /
Punishment in Disguise Penal Governance and Canadian Women's Imprisonment
Punishment in Disguise : Penal Governance and Canadian Women's Imprisonment.
HV9507 .C53 2021 Disruptive prisoners : resistance, reform, and the new deal / 2
HV9507 .E39 1988 Corrections in Canada policy and practice / 1