Call Number (LC) Title Results
HX40 .B7166 1990 Wielkie bankructwo : narodziny i śmierć komunizmu w XX wieku / 1
HX40 .B76 1989 The grand failure : the birth and death of communism in the twentieth century / 2
HX40 .B82 The techniques of communism. 1
HX40 .B88 1923i Socialism versus capitalism 1
HX40 .B92 The coming defeat of communism. 1
HX40 .B96 Burzhuaznye i melkoburzhuaznye ėkonomicheskie teorii so︠t︡sializma : kriticheskie ocherki : 1917-1945 gg. / 1
HX40 .C27 2017 The Cambridge history of communism. 1
HX40 .C3 1962 Communism in our world / 1
HX40 .C3196 2017 The Cambridge history of communism / 1
HX40 .C37 1943 Alerta, Europa! : un llamamiento a la conciencia de los europeos no rojos / 1
HX40 .C52 2003 Useful idiots : how liberals got it wrong in the Cold War and still blame America first / 1
HX40 .C59813 The Communist movement : from Comintern to Cominform / 2
HX40 .C6235 1986 Dynamics of socialism / 1
HX40 .C66 1942 Europe, Russia and the future / 1
HX40 .C663 2000 The collapse of communism /
The Collapse of communism /
HX40 .C67 1956a The anti-Stalin campaign and international communism : a selection of documents. 1
HX40 .C735 Comparative communism : the Soviet, Chinese, and Yugoslav models / 2
HX40 .C76 Socialist construction and Marxist theory : Bolshevism and its critique / 1
HX40 .D3 1960 A documentary history of communism / 1
HX40 .D3 1960a A documentary history of communism / 1