Call Number (LC) Title Results
HX550.A56 B55 2004eb Marxism and anthropology : the history of a relationship / 2
HX550.A56 D53 Dialectical anthropology.
Dialectical anthropology
HX550.A56 M55 1984 On marxian perspectives in anthropology : essays in honor of Harry Hoijer, 1981 / 1
HX550.A56 T68 1979eb Toward a Marxist anthropology : problems and perspectives / 1
HX550.A56 W66 1982 The labour theory of culture : a re-examination of Engels's theory of human origins / 2
HX550.C58 The Left and rights : a conceptual analysis of the idea of socialist rights / 1
HX550.C58 A68 1949i Why defend the rights of Communists? 1
HX550.C65 L5 1995 Zhongguo Makesi zhu yi yu xian dai xin ru xue / 1
HX550.E2 Man and the biosphere : toward a coevolutionary political economy / 1
HX550.E25 Marx and the Earth : an Anti-Critique.
Grüner Sozialismus? : Über das politische Bewusstsein von Arbeiter*innen in Zeiten des Umbruchs /
The return of nature : socialism and ecology /
HX550.E25 B87 1999 Marx and nature : a red and green perspective / 1
HX550.E25 E54 2021 Socialist states and the environment : lessons for ecosocialist futures / 2
HX550.E25 ebook ECOSOCIALISMO : la alternativa radical a la catastrofe ecologica capitalista. 1
HX550.E25 F66 2021 Forces of production, climate change and Canadian fossil capitalism / 1
HX550.E25 F667 2016  
HX550.E25 F67 2000 Marx's ecology : materialism and nature / 1
HX550.E25 G74 1996 The greening of Marxism / 1
HX550.E25 G75 2020 The greening of socialism : climate change and Marx in the 21st century / 1
HX550.E25 L6918 2015 Ecosocialism : a radical alternative to capitalist catastrophe / 1
HX550.E25 M37 Marx and Engels on ecology / 1