HX806 .L48 1990
The concept of utopia / |
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HX806 .L63 2016eb
Nowhere in the Middle Ages. |
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HX806 .M33
Utopian thought in the Western World / |
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HX806 .M3318 1984
El pensamiento utópico en el mundo occidental / |
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HX806 .M35
Utopias and Utopian thought / |
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HX806 .M35 1967
Utopias and utopian thought / |
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HX806 .M3515
Wunschtraum und Experiment : vom Nutzen und Nachteil utopischen Denkens / |
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HX806.M36 1979eb
Utopian Thought in the Western World. |
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HX806 .M36 2020
Inventions of nemesis : utopia, indignation, and justice / |
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HX806 .M38
Utopiques: jeux d'espaces. |
1 |
HX806 .M3813 1984
Utopics : spatial play / |
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HX806 .M45 2008
Urban utopias : the built and social architectures of alternative settlements / |
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HX806 .M45 2008eb
Urban utopias : the built and social architectures of alternative settlements / |
1 |
HX806 .M56
Utopia, the perennial heresy / |
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HX806 .M6
Nowhere was somewhere : how history makes utopias and how utopias make history / |
1 |
HX806 .M626 2004
Historical dictionary of utopianism / |
1 |
HX806 .M626 2017
Historical dictionary of utopianism / |
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HX806 .M63 1969
The English Utopia / |
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HX806 .M66 2021
Becoming utopian : the culture and politics of radical transformation / |
1 |
HX806 M69 2020
Becoming Utopian : The Culture and Politics of Radical Transformation. |
1 |