Call Number (LC) Title Results
I 11.5:14 The United States mining laws and regulations thereunder, and state and territorial mining laws, to which are appended local mining rules and regulations / 1
I 11.5:15 Report on the mining industries of the United States (exclusive of the precious metals) : with special investigations into the iron resources of the Republic and into the cretaceous coals of the Northwest / 1
I 11.5:20 Report on the statistics of wages in manufacturing industries : with supplementary reports on the average retail prices of necessaries of life, and on trades societies, and strikes and lockouts / 1
I 11.5:21 Report on the defective, dependent, and delinquent classes of the population of the United States, as returned at the Tenth Census (June 1, 1880) / 1
I 11.5/A:P 91 Statistics of the production of the precious metals in the United States / 1
I 11.5/A:P 911 Statistics of the production of the precious metals in the United States / 1
I 11.5a:R 29p Report on the population, industries, and resources of Alaska / 1
I 11.6:Ar 3 Approximate areas of U.S., several States, and territories 2
I 11.6:C 33 Tables showing cereal production of U.S., by counties, as returned at census of 1880 2
I 11.6:C 82 Tables showing cotton production of U.S., by counties, as returned at census of 1880 2
I 11.6:F 51 Report on manufacture of fire-arms and ammunition 2
I 11.6:L 62 Statistics of life insurance 2
I 11.6:R 13 Tabulated statements of traffic and fiscal operations of railroads in U.S Group No. 1, embracing Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut.
Tabulated statements of traffic and fiscal operations of railroads in U.S. Group No. 1, embracing Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut.
I 11.7:1 Pine supply of Texas 1
I 11.7:1 to I 11.7:25 Forestry bulletin 1
I 11.7:2 Pine supply of Florida 1
I 11.7:3 Pine supply of Alabama 1
I 11.7:4 Pine supply of Mississippi 1
I 11.7:5 Pine supply of Minnesota 1
I 11.7:6 Timber supply of Michigan 1