I 19.121:720
EAARL coastal topography and imagery, western Louisiana, post-Hurricane Rita, 2005: first surface / |
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I 19.121:722
Archive of single-beam bathymetry data collected during USGS cruise 07CCT01 nearshore of Fort Massachusetts and within Camille Cut, West and East Ship Islands, Gulf Islands National Seashore, Mississippi, July 2007 / |
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I 19.121:723
Chemicals of emerging concern in water and bottom sediment in Great Lakes areas of concern, 2010 to 2011 : collection methods, analyses methods, quality assurance, and data. |
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I 19.121:725
Micrometeorogical, evapotranspiration, and soil-moisture data at the Amargosa Desert research site in Nye County near Beatty, Nevada, 2006-2011 / |
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I 19.121:726
Flood of September 13-16, 2008 in Northeastern Illinois / |
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I 19.121:729
Fatality estimator user's guide / |
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I 19.121:729/2018
Fatality estimator user's guide / |
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I 19.121:730
Catalog of earthquake hypocenters at Alaskan volcanoes : January 1 through December 31, 2011 / |
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I 19.121:732
Assessment of groundwater quality data for the Turtle Mountain Indian Reservation, Rolette County, North Dakota, 1970-2012 / |
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I 19.121:733
Seasonal variability in the surface sediments of Mobile Bay, Alabama, recorded by geochemistry and foraminifera, 2009-2010 / |
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I 19.121:734
Quality of surface water in Missouri, water year 2011 / |
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I 19.121:735
Seafloor video footage and still-frame grabs from U.S. Geological Survey cruises in Hawaiian nearshore waters / |
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I 19.121:736
Land Capability Potential Index (LCPI) and geodatabase for the lower Missouri River Valley / |
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I 19.121:737
Electron donor concentrations in sediments and sediment properties at the Agricultural Chemicals Team research site near New Providence, Iowa, 2006-07 / |
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I 19.121:738
Surface-water quality in the upper San Antonio River Basin, Bexar County, Texas, 1992-98 / |
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I 19.121:740
Quality of surface-water runoff in selected streams in the San Antonio segment of the Edwards aquifer recharge zone, Bexar County, Texas, 1997-2012 / |
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I 19.121:742
Groundwater-quality data in the Santa Barbara study unit, 2011 : results from the California GAMA Program / |
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I 19.121:743
Lead isotope determinations from sulfide mineral occurrences -- Russian Far East / |
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I 19.121:745
Classifications for coastal wetlands planning, Protection and Restoration Act site-specific projects: 2010 / |
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I 19.121:746
Historical rock falls in Yosemite National Park, California (1857-2011) / |
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