I 19.127:101-03
Geographic research at Lake Tahoe |
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I 19.127:101-97
Regional ground-water flow directions and spring recharge areas in and near the Fort Leonard Wood Military Reservation, Missouri |
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I 19.127:101-98
Source-water protection and water-quality investigations in the Cambridge, Massachusetts, drinking-water supply system. |
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I 19.127:101-99
Quality of methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) data for ground-water samples collected during 1993-95 as part of the National Water-Quality Assessment Program. |
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I 19.127:102-00/CORR
Comparison of sediment deposition in reservoirs of four Kansas watersheds / |
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I 19.127:102-01
Evaluating the effects of urbanization and land-use planning using ground-water and surface-water models / |
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I 19.127:102-02
Ordering procedures for photographic enlargement products--NAPP, NHAP, and custom |
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I 19.127:102-03
Streamflow losses through karst features in the upper Peace River hydrologic area, Polk County, Florida, May 2002 to May 2003 |
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I 19.127:102-97
Are walleye from Lake Roosevelt contaminated with mercury? |
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I 19.127:102-98
The Chesapeake Bay : geologic product of rising sea level. |
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I 19.127:102-99
Extent of the high water table and water-table fluctuations, St. Charles Mesa, Colorado, April 1997 to October 1998. |
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I 19.127:103-00
"ShakeMaps" : instant maps of earthquake shaking / |
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I 19.127:103-01
Natural hazards on alluvial fans the Venezuela debris flow and flash flood disaster. |
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I 19.127:103-02
Using dye-tracing and chemical analyses to determine effects of a wastewater discharge to Jam Up Creek on water quality of Big Spring, southeastern Missouri, 2001 |
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I 19.127:103-97
Taking the earth's pulse : understanding earthquake hazards around the world / |
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I 19.127:103-97/rev
Taking the earth's pulse : understanding earthquake hazards around the world / |
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I 19.127:103-98
Monitoring of selected water-quality constituents near the freshwater/saline-water interface of the Edwards aquifer, July 1996-December 1997 |
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I 19.127:103-99
The Scientific Assessment and Strategy Team. |
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I 19.127:104-00
Obtaining streamflow statistics for Massachusetts streams on the World Wide Web. |
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I 19.127:104-03
LakeVOC, a computer model to estimate the concentration of volatile organic compounds in lakes and reservoirs / |
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