Call Number (LC) Title Results
I 19.127:117-01 The National Map : Lake Tahoe Area Pilot Project. 1
I 19.127:117-02 Assessment of stream quality using biological indices at selected sites in the Brandywine Creek basin, Chester County, Pennsylvania, 1981-97 / 1
I 19.127:117-03 Precipitation history of the Mojave Desert region, 1893-2001 1
I 19.127:117-96 The continuous-record streamflow data-collection program in Maine. 1
I 19.127:117-97 Great and Little Miami River Basins / 1
I 19.127:117-98 Front Range Infrastructure Resources Project : biological resources / 1
I 19.127:117-99 Trends in precipitation and stream-water chemistry in the northeastern United States, water years 1984-96 / 1
I 19.127:118-00 Historically active volcanoes in Alaska, a quick reference. 1
I 19.127:118-01 The National Map : Utah transportation pilot project. 1
I 19.127:118-02 Assessment of stream quality using biological indices at selected sites in the Red Clay and White Clay Creek basins, Chester County, Pennsylvania, 1981-97 / 1
I 19.127:118-03 New studies initiated by the U.S. Geological Survey : effects of nutrient enrichment on stream ecosystems /
New studies initiated by the U.S. Geological Survey effects of nutrient enrichment on stream ecosystems /
I 19.127:118-99 Microbial and spectral reflectance techniques to distinguish neutral and acidic drainage /
Microbial and spectral reflectance techniques to distinguish neutral and acidic drainage
I 19.127:119 Precipitation history of the Colorado Plateau region, 1900-2000 1
I 19.127:119-00 Reserve growth effects on estimates of oil and natural gas resources. 1
I 19.127:119-01 The National Map : Texas pilot project. 1
I 19.127:119-02 Precipitation history of the Colorado Plateau region, 1900-2000 / 1
I 19.127:119-98 Front Range Infrastructure Resources Project aggregate resources activities. 1
I 19.127:119-99 USGS international activities in coal resources /
USGS international activities in coal resources
I 19.127:120-00 Ground-water quality in the Upper Republican Natural Resources District, southwestern Nebraska, 1998-99 / 1
I 19.127:120-01 The National Map : Pennsylvania pilot project. 1